Well as of this writing Simon Corbell’s office haven’t managed to share his thoughts with the public (via the CMD press release site) since 21-Jun-05. Although he’s always up for a quick sound-bite for the TV cameras.
But that doesn’t mean he has been inactive. ABC Online reports that he has been busy using his powers to get another Civic development around his own obstructive planning process.
The Greens are decrying an end run around the planning process. Zed Seselja for the Liberals is, instead asking why after four years in charge of planning laws Simon’s intervention has been required three times in two months?
What I want to know is why, if Mr. Corbell’s intentions are pure, after four years in charge of planning laws and 9 months of majority government this can be anything but the sort of abject admission of failure which should lead to a resignation? Is the biggish “if” at the start of the preceding sentence what we need to be looking at?
Don’t get me wrong, things getting done I’m all in favour of. But transparent operation of the laws is the most important part of government.