Swap your invasive weeds for beautiful native plants.
This Saturday 1 November and Sunday 2 of November 2014 from 8.30 am until 4.45 pm, the biannual weed swap is on. Visit the green waste recycling centres at either Canberra Sand and Gravel in West Belconnen or Corkhill Bros near the Mugga Lane landfill. Bring invasive weeds from your garden and swap them for free with beautiful Australian natives.
Stalls will be manned by volunteers who can tell you about the benefits of our native plants, the dangers of invasive weeds, how to combat them and the species you are likely to find in your garden.
Eradicating weeds from suburban gardens is central to preserving the native ecosystem around Canberra. Invasive weeds commonly escape from gardens into bushland where they grow vigorously, threatening local plant and animal species.
Some common weeds to look out for in your garden
Firethorn is a prickly evergreen shrub with clusters of small white flowers along spurs of branches in spring, followed by bright orange berries.
Privet is an evergreen shrub or small tree with small creamy, white flowers in summer followed by black berries.
Cotoneaster is a frost-hardy shrub to tree with small white flowers and red berries. It has soft green leaves, that are woolly and grey on the underside.
Broom is a shrub with masses of pea-flowers in spring and summer. It has flat, silvery pods turning brown, some with blue-green leaves.