Jon Stanhope is set to be our new Treasurer after Ted Quinlan retires in March. Or so says the dashing Ben Doherty, the Canberra Times’s Legislative Assembly reporter.
So the question would be: will Mr Stanhope take this on as a third major role, given he is already the Chief Minister and the Attorney General? Three roles which should probably go to three different people because of the workload involved in each?
Word has it the legal profession is keenly watching Mr Stanhope’s next move. In the interest of helping Mr Stanhope find a new Chief Law Officer I have put together a short list of the government MLAs and their various qualifications, as gleaned from their quite-hard-to-find biographies:
Corbell — B Arts (Communication) at UC and media advisor to a federal MP (also has a porky in his biog — I’d suggest you check Ms Dundas’s age when she was elected Simon).
Gallagher — B Arts (Political Science and Sociology) at ANU and union official.
Hargreaves — B Arts at Deakin Uni, Justice of the Peace since 1991 and public servant (a possibility with his JP work, also legend has it his luncheoning habits are suited to liaison with the legal profession).
Berry — Union official (and is speaker so unlikely to move, or be moved).
Gentleman — work related studies in industrial relations, information technology, communications and law and worked as a motor mechanic, postman, public servant, real estate agent, security officer, project marketing, small business owner and project officer (“work related” legal studies sounding a little informal for the AG position but possibly the best of a bad lot).
MacDonald — trained as primary school teacher and worked in that capacity and as a union official (and claims living in Chifley for six years as her headline achievement).
Porter — volunteer and CEO of Volunteering Australia (so no-one’s ever willingly paid her for her work).