Steve Pratt has been mouthing off to TV and radio this week defending his weekend vandalism of public art, but he’s been strangely quiet on the media release front. Today Bill Stefaniak makes a half arsed attempt to justify Steve’s big stuff up (caused it seems by checking the register of approved street art and not the register of public art, a big tip for new players there).
“Mr Pratt issued several media releases warning that he was going to remove the piece if the ACT Government did not and Mr Hargreaves failed to warn him that the piece was an approved work. Had he done so, it’s clear Mr Pratt would not have proceeded.
“Having looked at this matter, I am confident Mr Pratt exhausted all reasonable avenues to check whether this was an approved legal graffiti art site. He checked the several relevant web pages and he checked with the roads and bridges area of Mr Hargreaves’ department.
So lets get this right, it’s the Minister for Municipal Services’s job to read all of Steve Pratt’s media releases and warn him when he’s about to do something stupid? Who would prefer the Minister to spend such a vast amount of time elsewhere?