17 November 2013

Strange residential noise problem in Canberra

| mentalist
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I live in a unit complex with a neighbor above me. I recently bought a new sound system with subwoofer.

I usually watch action movies/thrillers starting at about 6pm until 8pm. I know my neighbor wakes early(around 5am) so thats why I cut the sound around 8pm so they can sleep.

My hearing is fairly sensitive so I can’t imagine my noise is unreasonable. They try to lead “by example” I guess and are dead quiet, until I start my noise up. Last night I hear stomping around, doors banging, but I continue my movie.

This morning he purposely woke me up at 5am by causing water hammer, doors banging and whatever else he can do. I imagine others next to him can also hear.

I’m not sure whether I should retaliate with all out war, my sound system($2000) can go about 4 times higher than I currently play, and I can also cause noise after 10pm when he is sleeping, also with accidental water hammer.

What would you do?

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troll-sniffer9:21 pm 22 Nov 13

i think you’ll find that if you tun the bass right down or disconnect your subwoofer and just rely on natural bass (like everyone did before subs) you can double your volume in your unit before it can be heard in other units. subs shouldn’t be allowed in apartment blocks, the bass goes through just about any walls like a knife through melting butter.

Northsidechick7:41 pm 22 Nov 13

I think you are being really considerate to keep the audio off after 8pm. Sadly, I think these things never end well though based on my own experiences. I once left a radio on an AM station when I went away for a weekend. I thought I had left it down low enough so that a burglar might hear faint chatter inside the house but wouldn’t annoy my neighbour with who I shared a common wall. Ah, no. She got me back though, on Monday morning at 6am cracking saucepans above my head and all along the shared wall so hard it reverberated through the house and I thought she might bang her way inside. I moved out after a few months. Tit for tat NEVER works. You could try and talk to your neighbour….if no luck I’d just look at moving to a house to play your big sounds.

Can we go back to the bit where you “set up surveillance”? Please? Just so I know it’s Canberra we are talking about.

I had an unfortunate experience of living in an attached townhouse for a while. Mistakenly thought the dividing wall was sound proof. One of the most frustrating noises from next door was the bass sounds when they watched movies. I spoke to them about it and they told me to come in and listen, granted it didn’t seem that loud. So they left it on and came over to my place, and were surprised at the noise that came through the wall. It was like it was amplified at my end.

OP if you can’t come to a resolution with the neighbour then give the bass a rest or wear headphones. You’d be surprised how noisy it is for those around you.

Deref said :

One of the things I love about RiotACT is that it gives you a real perspective on how sociopaths think (if that’s the word).

Yep, OPs who think they have a nice balanced post to start with, soon show some interesting colours in their following comments.

In a previous residence I had a neighbour with two small but extremely yappy dogs who didn’t seem to wake up until after 10.30 pm every night. And I mean every night, through til about 5.00am, where upon they would go back to sleep.

No manner of discussing, pleading, imploring said neighbour to keep his dogs inside, worked.

As such, I riled them right up one night, recorded them, transferred it to a loop, and played it back at about 10 fold volume through my band PA directly at his house for a couple of nights.

Never heard the dogs ever again…

Have you considered capitalising on this service, Thumper? I’d gladly pay for something like this…

Alderney said :

Pitchka said :

Alderney said :

Pitchka said :

Basically, the whole of your street probably doesn’t share your taste in music and neither should you subject them to it.

I DGAFF if they like it or not.. Chances are they dont share my taste in music, thats their problem, not mine.

Firstly, I didn’t ask whether or not you gave a fuck.

Secondly, your response points to the fact that you are one of those people who richly deserve all the bad things that happen to them.

Nor did i ask you whether or not my taste in music would suit those around me.

Dont post your opinions if you wont accept that other people have opinions of their own. Have a cry next time disagrees yeah?

Luckily i have fantastic neighbours, no doubt id know when a tool like yourself moved into the neighbourhood.

Madam Cholet11:29 am 19 Nov 13

mentalist said :

Pitchka said :

the drop in allowed decibels after 10pm is nothing based on my research <– really? Your partner must be a real moaner…

she wasnt a moaner until she met me.

Moaning at your sub-woofer no doubt. The volume of that is.

I remember that our first Chief Minister bought one of those flats in Braddon not long after they were built. She lasted, IIRC, about six months, saying that every time someone flushed the toilet everyone else knew about it. She sold at a loss, I think.

Re sound insulation, the best isn’t distance (remember the moron with the doof machine in his car; although, of course, it works ultimately), it’s mass. Alternate layers of masonry and air do the best job – say brick/concrete, air gap, brick/concrete, rinse, lather, repeat. The lower the frequencies you’re trying to block, the more mass/air gaps you need.

The cheaply-built blocks of flats they make these days usually have a single course of cinder blocks between flats; about as useful as a layer of tissue paper for screening low frequencies.

Pitchka said :

Alderney said :

Pitchka said :

Basically, the whole of your street probably doesn’t share your taste in music and neither should you subject them to it.

I DGAFF if they like it or not.. Chances are they dont share my taste in music, thats their problem, not mine.

Firstly, I didn’t ask whether or not you gave a fuck.

Secondly, your response points to the fact that you are one of those people who richly deserve all the bad things that happen to them.

thebrownstreak6910:25 am 19 Nov 13

Record a sound clip of yourself taking a leak and play it as loud as you can through your big stereo.

DUB said :

mentalist said :

i hear them piss in their toilet. perhaps they should hit the side of the toilet first instead of the water?

That is what well raised people like you and I were taught to do, Asians and many “fellow Rioters” were raised differently- less fortunate, wining, manner-less douchebags.

I say- crank the stereo up! And disregard all negative comments!

Reminds me of that great gay club called The Barracks near Oxford St, Sydney which had a glass urinal behind the bar. When you were sitting at the bar having your drink you got a great view of the guys facing you relieving themselves. Unfortunately The Barracks closed in 1986 when the building was sold to developers and there haven’t been any glass urinals since, probably due to new building codes and licensing laws.

Pitchka said :

the drop in allowed decibels after 10pm is nothing based on my research <– really? Your partner must be a real moaner…

she wasnt a moaner until she met me.

One of the things I love about RiotACT is that it gives you a real perspective on how sociopaths think (if that’s the word).

mentalist said :

Pitchka said :

mentalist said :

As long as i am listening to my music within the allowed allocated times, i dont care for anyones whinging.

best be careful because payback is a bitch. if your annoyed neighbor gets creative you could find it hard to sleep when you want to. the drop in allowed decibels after 10pm is nothing based on my research.

the drop in allowed decibels after 10pm is nothing based on my research <– really? Your partner must be a real moaner…

Alderney said :

Pitchka said :

Basically, the whole of your street probably doesn’t share your taste in music and neither should you subject them to it.

I DGAFF if they like it or not.. Chances are they dont share my taste in music, thats their problem, not mine.

Persephone said :

Sounds like Monterey apartments in Reid (with regard to the unfortunate noises in the bathroom).

BC (before children) I lived in several flats and units in Sydney – primarily on the Iower North Shore, and of varying vintage. All were poorly insulated for sound. It’s a chronic, known problem that causes a lot of stress to city dwellers (something they don’t tell you when they promote how ‘wonderful’ and ‘sophisticated’ high density living is).
The best sound insulator is – ta dah – space/distance from neighbours. This is particularly the case in Australia where we are generally unused to living on top of one another and have a large ‘personal space’. Hence the (rational) popularity of detached suburban housing, despite government’s attempts to make us all ‘feel good’ about being crammed into medium and high density.

Pitchka said :

mentalist said :

As long as i am listening to my music within the allowed allocated times, i dont care for anyones whinging.

best be careful because payback is a bitch. if your annoyed neighbor gets creative you could find it hard to sleep when you want to. the drop in allowed decibels after 10pm is nothing based on my research.

Sounds like Monterey apartments in Reid (with regard to the unfortunate noises in the bathroom).

Pitchka said :

I love my music, and i love it loud…

I recently went and bought a Yamaha receiver, Klipsch speakers, and two subwoofers.

As long as i am listening to my music within the allowed allocated times, i dont care for anyones whinging.

Having said that, people living in unit complexes must accept the fact that there will be times when noise levels are above what they are happy with.

what i find stupid is that the http://www.noise.act.gov.au/limits.htm website states limits in db(A). Do they expect everyone to own a noise meter?

I think you’ll find there is no such thing as an ‘allowed allocated times’.

Yes, the decibel limit may be more restrictive after certain times, generally because less background noise means sound travels further, but there are decibel limits at all times. Really, if I am three houses away and I can hear your stereo it’s too load, and most likely contravenes the regulations.

There are always exceptions, such as one should tolerate the lawn mower noise of one’s neighbour or power tools on a weekend for a period; people have to get work done around the house.

Basically, the whole of your street probably doesn’t share your taste in music and neither should you subject them to it.

Pitchka said :

Having said that, people living in unit complexes must accept the fact that there will be times when noise levels are above what they are happy with.

what i find stupid is that the http://www.noise.act.gov.au/limits.htm website states limits in db(A). Do they expect everyone to own a noise meter?

People in apartments don’t have to “accept the fact that there will be times when noise levels are above what they are happy with.” The EPA people own sound meters, and will confirm that statement by sending you a warning letter and then fines if one of your neighbours calls them.

It doesn’t take much reading to get a feel for what sound levels approximate what dB level. Also, its’ not the level in your premises that’s the issue – it’s the level at your neighbours’.

Also, if you’re a tenant rather than an owner then you’re probably breaking the clause in the standard ACT tenancy rental agreement that says the neighbours are entitled to “quiet enjoyment of their premises” or similar.

There’s probably ways of dealing with noise complaints through your body corporate separate to the above, too – though again if you’re a tenant it will be through your landlord.

Pork Hunt said :

Does DUB stand for “Douche uber bastard”?

Dumb uncivilised bastard?

DUB said :

mentalist said :

i hear them piss in their toilet. perhaps they should hit the side of the toilet first instead of the water?

That is what well raised people like you and I were taught to do, Asians and many “fellow Rioters” were raised differently- less fortunate, wining, manner-less douchebags.

I say- crank the stereo up! And disregard all negative comments!

Does DUB stand for “Douche uber bastard”?

mentalist said :

i hear them piss in their toilet. perhaps they should hit the side of the toilet first instead of the water?

That is what well raised people like you and I were taught to do, Asians and many “fellow Rioters” were raised differently- less fortunate, wining, manner-less douchebags.

I say- crank the stereo up! And disregard all negative comments!

La_Tour_Maubourg11:42 am 18 Nov 13

Not sure why some comments here are negative but yes you are considerate turning down the sound after 8pm.

To those blowing up about “why does it matter if he’s Asian etc,” they may have different ideas on confrontation.

Go and talk to him and ask him if your sound system is causing him concerns.

mentalist said :

I set up surveillance last night for the whole night to see when he leaves(his car is in vision of my unit) and he left at 3am to go to work. So I can confirm his story. Honestly I didnt know he slept that early and got up that early. I will not be playing any sort of sound that goes through the walls of an evening during the week. Should I have gone up earlier than last weekend and asked him if my noise bothers him? Yes, my bad that I assumed too many things.

Kudos to you for admitting that you, at first glance, may have made too many assumptions. Good to see that you can still swallow your pride and admit wrongdoing. But staying up til 3am?! Serz?!

IrishPete said :

Another possibility, far-fetched perhaps…

I had complaints from the neighbour below me in my London flt when I was renting a room to a friend, a female friend who like to wear boots with hard heels.

So perhaps your upstairs neighbour has people staying with him, hence the change in noise characteristics upstairs? My downstairs neighbour had got used to my noise characteristics, but when someone else moved in he wasn’t used to theirs.

I found living in a flat where I could hear the neighbours piss (and shit “splash”), to be one of the most demeaning and depressing experiences of my life. The people who build such apartment blocks so badly should be made to live in them. It’s probably difficult to design out the noise from toilets and bathrooms, but difficult is not impossible.


sh** splash….hahahahahaha…that is gold

Agree with the sentiment though, many places are built with insulation (for sound and heat/cool) that should never pass muster. Noise is one of the biggest stressors for people and not being able to relax in your own place is awful. I too have lived in a place that had constant noise (I started work at 6am at the time and the person above me worked at a bar so was always getting in at 2-4am and then starting up their bathroom fan for hours and watching TV)….It was awful. (I admit I am a light sleeper but it should never have been an issue if the place was built correctly)

I live in an apartment now and it’s quieter than any house I have lived in because it is correctly insulated

I’d actually say to talk to him about it….it’s really hard in a unit complex but you don’t want to start a silent battle against each other – it’ll just escalate. 🙂

johnboy said :

you can get a decibel meter app for most smartphones.

Not the point JB.

Are people expected to rip out their phones everytime they make noise to ensure they are not too loud?

Holden Caulfield9:42 am 18 Nov 13

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

Shall we presume that you think of yourself as being considerate, civilised and lacking any self-entitlement?

If so, then why such an abusive first response?

Have a nice day. 🙂

Does this mean I can demand my neighbour shuts her kids up when they are screaming in the backyard at 8am on a Sunday morning ? (as in the high pitched deafening squeal that wakes you up from a deep sleep)

Or my mum’s neighbour (who I’m convinced in deaf) turn her tv onto mute and read the subtitles so the whole street doesn’t have to hear it in summer when the windows are open ?

People make noise, deal with it, the OP is trying to be respectful of someone who works shift work. I sure wish people were more respectful like him when I did shift work. My ex’s neighbours had a dog that would bark all day – their solution – play loud music all day while they were at work. Kept the dog quiet, but the speakers were directed out their window, which was right next to our window. Needless to stay I stopped sleeping there during the day… also didn’t stop the police knocking on the door one day thinking it was coming from our house.

johnboy said :

you can get a decibel meter app for most smartphones.

The problem with simply measuring dB output is that it takes no account of the frequency. Low frequencies are much more penetrating than high frequencies, which is why you can hear that idiot with the doof machine in his car coming blocks away before you can hear any of the higher frequencies, which are effectively screened out by the car body.

Decibels are by no means a perfect measure of sound.

But it’s worth being aware that in 2013 you don’t need special equipment to get some sort of reference reading. (ie free smartphone meter apps)

mentalist said :

I set up surveillance last night for the whole night to see when he leaves(his car is in vision of my unit) and he left at 3am to go to work. So I can confirm his story. Honestly I didnt know he slept that early and got up that early. I will not be playing any sort of sound that goes through the walls of an evening during the week. Should I have gone up earlier than last weekend and asked him if my noise bothers him? Yes, my bad that I assumed too many things.

I love my music, and i love it loud…

I recently went and bought a Yamaha receiver, Klipsch speakers, and two subwoofers.

As long as i am listening to my music within the allowed allocated times, i dont care for anyones whinging.

Having said that, people living in unit complexes must accept the fact that there will be times when noise levels are above what they are happy with.

what i find stupid is that the http://www.noise.act.gov.au/limits.htm website states limits in db(A). Do they expect everyone to own a noise meter?

you can get a decibel meter app for most smartphones.

I set up surveillance last night for the whole night to see when he leaves(his car is in vision of my unit) and he left at 3am to go to work. So I can confirm his story. Honestly I didnt know he slept that early and got up that early. I will not be playing any sort of sound that goes through the walls of an evening during the week. Should I have gone up earlier than last weekend and asked him if my noise bothers him? Yes, my bad that I assumed too many things.

Queen_of_the_Bun said :

mentalist said :

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

read my 3:10pm post you assuming f*** stick

You admit that you have a very loud sound system that you only operate between certain hours because of the noise. It it’s that loud, don’t use it without headphones.

I live in an apartment complex, noise can be an issue, which is why when I am home alone watching a movie or listening to music, I use headphones.

I hope you don’t move into my neighbourhood any time soon.

And WTF does it matter if your neighbour is Asian???

And WTF does it matter if your neighbour is Asian??? <– well for one, you cant have any pets..

54-11 said :

mentalist said :

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

read my 3:10pm post you assuming f*** stick

You’re still an ignorant bogan.

maybe you should go and live in the bush where there is no sound. hang on, you had better not do that, theres crickets and birds chirping

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.


mentalist said :

This guy is asian. Is this a case or the general indirect nature of many asians, and i need to read between the lines and pay attention to his actions rather than what he says?

Racist too?

You live in a flat – get a set of headphones.

Another possibility, far-fetched perhaps…

I had complaints from the neighbour below me in my London flt when I was renting a room to a friend, a female friend who like to wear boots with hard heels.

So perhaps your upstairs neighbour has people staying with him, hence the change in noise characteristics upstairs? My downstairs neighbour had got used to my noise characteristics, but when someone else moved in he wasn’t used to theirs.

I found living in a flat where I could hear the neighbours piss (and shit “splash”), to be one of the most demeaning and depressing experiences of my life. The people who build such apartment blocks so badly should be made to live in them. It’s probably difficult to design out the noise from toilets and bathrooms, but difficult is not impossible.


mentalist said :

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

read my 3:10pm post you assuming f*** stick

You’re still an ignorant bogan.

mentalist said :

i hear them piss in their toilet. perhaps they should hit the side of the toilet first instead of the water?

It sounds like your building has very thin walls. Not the place for a loud sound system then. I agree with the suggestions to use headphones while listening to it.

headphones for your own viewing so you don’t need to worry about the sound disturbing others and i recommend earplugs so your own sleep isn’t disturbed as well by what sounds like a possibly vindictive neighbour (who could have approached you if he thought you were being too noisy as well). everything about this post makes me not miss apartment living at all.

Are you sure he didn’t sneak into your flat and hide a pea under your mattress? If you can’t sleep because of water hammers and stomping then you’re a princess.

el said :

mentalist said :

it can go loud, but i dont consider it too loud. i asked my neighbor next to me this morning and he said he can hear it only when an explosion occurs which is not often.

If your neighbours can hear it, it’s too loud.

i hear them piss in their toilet. perhaps they should hit the side of the toilet first instead of the water?

mentalist said :

it can go loud, but i dont consider it too loud. i asked my neighbor next to me this morning and he said he can hear it only when an explosion occurs which is not often.

If your neighbours can hear it, it’s too loud.

Queen_of_the_Bun said :

mentalist said :

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

read my 3:10pm post you assuming f*** stick

You admit that you have a very loud sound system that you only operate between certain hours because of the noise. It it’s that loud, don’t use it without headphones.

I live in an apartment complex, noise can be an issue, which is why when I am home alone watching a movie or listening to music, I use headphones.

I hope you don’t move into my neighbourhood any time soon.

And WTF does it matter if your neighbour is Asian???

it can go loud, but i dont consider it too loud. i asked my neighbor next to me this morning and he said he can hear it only when an explosion occurs which is not often. big deal.

its important because asians, in general, have a culture of being indirect and saying things in round about ways, or subtly implying things to save face.

Queen_of_the_Bun7:33 pm 17 Nov 13

mentalist said :

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

read my 3:10pm post you assuming f*** stick

You admit that you have a very loud sound system that you only operate between certain hours because of the noise. It it’s that loud, don’t use it without headphones.

I live in an apartment complex, noise can be an issue, which is why when I am home alone watching a movie or listening to music, I use headphones.

I hope you don’t move into my neighbourhood any time soon.

And WTF does it matter if your neighbour is Asian???

I had a problem years ago with the neighbour revving up her car at 3AM and waking me up. When she finished her shift and arrived home a few days later I put my Kamahl record on, opened the windows and gave them both barrels at full volume. Never heard a peep out of them after that.

Even when residents of apartment complexes are trying to be considerate to others, it is almost impossible not to hear some noise from the neighbours. If people are sensitive to noise, then apartment living is not the best choice. It is unfortunate when people move into town centres and complain about the noise from entertainment venues. The strangest I ever witnessed was a new resident who had moved into an apartment near Rundle St East , Adelaide. He walked into a record store in the middle of the day to complain about latest release they were playing. I was shopping there at the time and did not consider it to be loud. I wonder how that resident gets on when the Clipsal 500 runs.

I’ve lived in Holland where the living is close and the people are civilised – the rules there are very simple – if other people can hear you it is too loud. You can do what you want in the privacy of your home but it should never impinge on others. I don’t know how people can play loud (usually crappy) music knowing others have to endure it, no matter what time of day, – it’s just plain ignorant.

54-11 said :

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

read my 3:10pm post you assuming fuck stick

miz said :

Buy a good pair of headphones. For yourself.

Headphones(for music) or ear muffs(to block sound)?

This morning he is tapping something on the floor above my room, i guess to imitate my bass which woke me up.

I approached him this morning saying we need to talk and i said does my sound system bother you. i said i stop my sound when you go to bed at 8pm, and he said no i go to bed at 5 or 6pm(which is not true) and i do 14 hour days, but the sound doesnt bother me because i have ear plugs. but in another sentence he said “on the weekend is no problem because i dont work”.

This guy is asian. Is this a case or the general indirect nature of many asians, and i need to read between the lines and pay attention to his actions rather than what he says?

I asked my other neighbor next to my lounge room if the sound bothers him and he said when the bass goes off with an explosion he can hear it rumble but it doesnt bother him because its not all the time(like bass in music) and he has his TV on anyway.

Madam Cholet3:04 pm 17 Nov 13

Whilst you are being considerate by turning your noise down at 8pm, loud noise at any time can be annoying. You should maybe look at the environment regs which give maximum noise levels permitted in residential areas – including units.

Obviously they should speak with you rather than just retaliate – if that is what they are doing, but a lot of the time, once we at annoyed, ‘talking’ is just not going to happen easily.

They are entitled to peaceful enjoyment of their property, which you may indeed be intruding upon.

Agree with first post – get some headphones.

You’re an ignorant f***wit. Behave in a civilised manner when you are living in close proximity to other people.

Jeez, this world has too many self-entitled, uncaring pricks like you in it.

Buy a good pair of headphones. For yourself.

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