For those of you with a love of parrots, or just those of you looking to give a little before tax time, this may be of interest.
End of Financial Year Appeal
Help us protect the Superb Parrot in North Gungahlin
Dear ***,
First up, I want to thank you for your generous support for our work to be a voice for the environment. Whether as a donor, a volunteer or by taking action or just being part of our network we really appreciate your support. Without you our capacity to protect our precious environment would be significantly diminished. For that I can’t thank you enough.
The most urgent task we have in front of us is our work to protect the Superb Parrot in Throsby, North Gungahlin. This is the key sticking point within a recent draft Strategic Environment Assessment. The proposal protects known nesting trees for the nationally vulnerable Superb Parrot however, with no scientific basis provides only a 100 metre buffer area from the proposed urban edge. It also proposes to take out 22 mature trees that are potential nesting habitat. This is not good process, not good science, not good use of the precautionary principle, and not good planning. Our advice is that this will wipe out this community of Superb Parrots in the ACT.
We have to make sure enough is done to protect the Superb Parrot so that the ACT is still in its range. It would be a pity if the decision-makers could not do enough to protect the Superb Parrots we have visiting the ACT.
Please help us to protect the Superb Parrot by donating today.
Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
[Image by sussexbirder (CC BY 2.0)]