Anyone else heard about public servants being asked to ‘volunteer’ to work at Kevin Rudd’s 2020 Summit in April. Apparently, some departments are asking for volunteer scribes and PR people to work throughout the weekend. Yes, the government that is cutting your budgets now wants you to offer up a weekend to jot down the words of wisdom from the nation’s best and brightest. For free! I mean, who could turn down that sort of offer. I wonder what happens when insufficient numbers are inspired to volunteer for the great event.
'We need something to happen here': Greens push government to bring back Big Splash
Already done - the wet is water over poorly built roads, the wild is the potholes underneath View
Of course the Greens love this project because it's more spending with no offsetting savings and no… View
Bill Jones I hope you'll understand why I'm skeptical about your claims to vote for federal Labor… View
Internationally qualified nurses to be fast-tracked to work in Australia
when its about stealing other (poorer) countries' life-saving trained personnel, this ALP government… View
Study shows Army reservists lack support from employers and managers
After 10+years as an Army Reservist, the biggest problem was the lack of support by the regular… View
Gee, I wonder if any of this could be because nationalism or any sense of loyalty to the country is… View
Phone tower decision puzzles government-backed grasslands group
What is wrong with having both? The only disturbance to the area would happen when building the… View