Territory and Municipal Services are making sure we all know that their cleaners are raring to get stuck into the horrific mess thousands of revelling drunks will leave behind tonight.
While you are out in town this New Year’s Eve, spare a thought for the city cleaners who will set their alarms before 5 am on New Year’s Day to clean up from the previous night’s celebrations.
“Our cleaning teams, including our street sweeper and garbage trucks, will start their work day at 5 am tomorrow, and while the rest of Canberra is fast asleep, they’ll be working through the aftermath from New Year’s Eve,” City Operations Manager, Steve Amos, said.
“New Year’s Day is the biggest day of the year for our staff, who every year find themselves cleaning large volumes of litter, bottles, broken glass, vomit and other
sights that most people wouldn’t want to go near, let alone physically remove.
“I urge people to be mindful of their actions when celebrating tonight. Place rubbish in the bins provided and treat public assets with respect. Our staff work hard to maintain these assets to a high standard.
“There are 40 rubbish bins and another 40 recycling bins in the city and we expect them all to be filled. An additional 10 waste and 10 recycling bins will be supplied to cater for extra visitors coming into the City for the New Year celebrations. This amounts to about 2000 kilograms of rubbish to be collected. We also expect our street sweepers and staff to pick up about another 500 kilograms of rubbish.
“Nine staff members will take to the streets blowing rubbish, street sweeping, picking up litter, steam cleaning the pavement and cleaning toilets in the city area.”
Canberra CBD Limited is also doing their part by installing five portable urinals in the centre of town. Canberra CBD Limited Chief Executive Officer, Jane Easthope, said the urinals will be located at Bunda Street, Petrie Plaza, the taxi rank at the bus interchange, opposite King O’Malleys and Verity Lane.
“The urinals will help keep the centre of town clean this holiday season, and will assist the police by letting them focus on duties other than discouraging public urination. They will be in place from 7 pm until 7 am, from 31 December 2013 to 5 January 2014,” Ms Easthope said.
[Pictured is the detritus of a normal Thursday night in Civic]