25 February 2009


| johnboy
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The frequently astonishing Naomi Milthorpe of the Bluffhearts (as heard in Insatiable Banalities #104) is directing an upcoming production of Federico Garcia Lorca’s “THE HOUSE OF BERNARDA ALBA”

From the media release:

    The play is the story of a desperate and tyrannical widow, Bernarda, whose five daughters yearn for freedom – the freedom to see, to dream, and to love. The play is strongly political, written against the backdrop of the ascendancy of fascism and Franco during the Spanish Civil War. Lorca was murdered by Franco’s forces not long after he completed Bernarda Alba, and never saw the play performed.

    Hare’s new version was first performed at the National Theatre in 2005 to rave reviews, and moonlight’s production will be the first time this version has been performed in Australia. moonlight is proud of its strong record of performing important modern plays, from 2007’s season including productions of Steven Berkoff’s East and West and 2008’s performances of Edward Albee’s The Goat and Sam Shepard’s True West. The House of Bernarda Alba will realise Lorca’s stark, devastating play with a cast of Canberra’s finest actresses.

    The cast includes Helen Tsongas (Rep’s An Ideal Husband, papermoon’s An Absurd Double Bill), Steph Roberts (papermoon’s Angels in America and Much Ado About Nothing, Free Rain’s Pride and Prejudice), Bernadette Vincent (Centrepiece’s 8 Women), barb barnett (serious theatre’s allmother), and Cathy Petocz (8 Women).

Tickets are $15/$12 at the door of the ANU Arts Centre Drama Lab.

Offprompt reports that Teatro Vivaldi Dinner and Show Packages can be had for $50, to book a Vivaldi package call 6257 2718.

UPDATED: A review of opening night is now online

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