15 August 2008

The Integrated Transport Framework

| johnboy
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The Integrated Transport Framework of the ACT is now online.

John Hargeaves media release has now joined it.

Pedal Power have sent out a media release announcing they’re fans of the bike racks on buses being extended.

The light rail proponents, however, are less pleased.

You have to wade to page 10 of 24 to get the motherhood statements behind you, but then we come to initiatives and programs:

    Road Infrastructure
    • Upgrade of Airport roads stage 2 and Horse Park Drive extension ($15 million)
    • Upgrade of Lanyon Drive and Kings Highway realignment ($8.5 million)
    • Duplication of Athllon Drive, Tharwa Drive and rehabilitation of Cotter Road and duplication of Flemington Road (including dedicated bus lanes) ($35.9 million)
    • Support Commonwealth to upgrade Coranderrk Street / Parkes Way intersection Morsehead Drive/ Russell Drive intersections.
    • Enhance the capacity of the Road Transport Authority computer system ($5.017 million)
    • Molonglo Arterial Road ($11 million)
    • Complete forward design for key roads to build transport links from new and future Gungahlin suburbs of Lawson, Casey, Harrison, Forde, Jacka, Moncrieff, Amaroo, Bonner and Kenny $2.85 million Continue to invest in road safety initiatives ($1.068 million)
    • Implement bridge safety initiatives ($2.4 million)
    • Road safety advertising and communication program, including safety measures for on-road cycling
    ($1.307 million)
    • Building new bus lanes and bus priority measures ($3.5 million)
    • Duplication of Gungahlin Drive Extension and forward planning for Majura Parkway and Parkes Way
    ($83 million)
    • Forward design of Majura Road rehabilitation ($0.13 million)
    • William Slim Drive and Gundaroo Drive upgrades
    • Off-ramp from Parkes Way to Clunies Ross Street and duplication of Clunies Ross Street
    • Undertake city infrastructure capacity study ($0.19 million)
    • Congestion modelling on Canberra central road networks
    • Northbourne Avenue/ London Circuit and Barry Drive/Clunies Ross Street intersection upgrades
    • Investigate the feasibility of upgrading Cotter Road to account for growth in traffic from Molonglo ($0.18 million)
    • Investigate transport capacity for East – West corridor and Cotter Road Investigate transport capacity for East Lake and Eastern broadacre developments
    • Investigate transport capacity to support Canberra Central growth and augment city infrastructure capacity
    • Undertake road safety audits and evaluate effectiveness for major projects
    • Undertake preliminary investigations into an East – West link from Kowen to Majura Road to City
    • Reserve inter-town public transport corridors for Belconnen, Gungahlin and Molonglo connections.
    • Construction of Majura Parkway, including connection with Northcott Drive
    • Complete duplication of Gungahlin Drive Extension
    • Monaro Highway upgrade
    • Transport accessibility modelling and network planning
    • Improving and managing roads and intersections in Canberra Central, including Northbourne Avenue, Barry Drive, Clunies Ross Street, London Circuit, Constitution Ave and Vernon Circle
    • Provide an East – West arterial road connection to Molonglo development
    • Upgrade transport capacity to support East Lake and eastern broadacre developments
    • Investigate an East – West link from Kowen (future proposed urban development) to the City
    • Progressively implement transit corridor identified between Belconnen and Gungahlin and the City
    • Implement public transport priority measures along identified transit corridors
    • Extend transit lane on Yamba Drive to Callum Street, Woden
    • Commonwealth Black Spot funding
    • Refresh road safety strategy.

    • Augment publicly available parking to address growing demand in the city and other town centres ($1.26 million from 2007 – 2012)
    • Increase the amount of parking supply available on a 24/7 basis ($40 million for structured car parks)
    • Undertake feasibility studies of land releases for private sector to build and operate structured car parks ($0.18 million)
    • Building a new Park’n’Ride and Bike’n’Ride facility to increase transport options ($0.53 million)
    • Release sites to the private sector for the development of structured carparks
    • Identify effective means of informing the public about parking availability
    • Develop parking offset fund
    • Update parking data
    • Review short and long stay parking pricing and incorporate mechanisms to ensure an appropriate balance, to meet the needs of all parking users, and look at other means of increasing parking supply by facilitating shared use of spaces
    • Update the pricing strategy to position the role of parking in the overall transport system and to manage demand in the long term
    • Investigate improved payment technologies
    • Finalise and implement ACT Park’n’Ride Strategy
    • Construct additional Park‘n’Ride and inter-modal facilities in accordance with the strategy.
    • Establish parking location and design parameters
    • Develop and implement land release strategy for carpark sites
    • Maintain balance of parking supply between the private sector and the public sector
    • Encourage private sector into the market while maintaining some strategic parking facilities to ensure adequate parking provision
    • Develop inter-modal strategy that integrates the initiatives of both the facilities and transit services.

    Public Transport
    • Implementing ACTION Network ’08 ($38.15 million)
    • Belconnen town centre – Cohen Street extension and bus system improvement ($16.5 million)
    • Undertake public transport options feasibility study for City and Constitution Avenue ($0.09 million)
    • Undertake a car pooling pilot program within the ACT Government
    • Providing concession travel for seniors on the new ACTION bus network ($1.173 million)
    • Providing free travel on ACTION buses for residents over the age of 75 years ($0.5 million)
    • Continue to implement bikes on buses initiative ($0.189 million)
    • Accessible bus purchases: progressively upgrading the bus fleet to meet disability standards ($49.5 million)
    • Funding the Nightlink taxi scheme to improve transport options from the city late at night ($0.704 million recurrent and $0.2 million capital).
    • Explore options for a rapid transit system such as light rail
    • Complete longer term network planning and service design
    • Replacing ticketing system ($8.0 million)
    • Improve bus system operation at Woden
    • Investigate compact city forms that achieve operation and access improvements to public transport (Included in Sustainable Communities funding, $0.976 million)
    • Improve facilities at bus stations, including Woden
    • Enhance public transport opportunities through strategically planned ‘Kiss‘n’Ride’ and ‘Bike’n’Ride’ options
    • Continue to engage with the community to develop more sustainable urban patterns
    • Review accessible public transport action plan and develop new action plan
    • Review regulatory arrangements for the taxi industry to promote more effective service provision.
    • Progressively implement a rapid transit system which could include light rail
    • Implement key aspects of long term public transport network planning
    • Review City public transport options
    • Improve public transport in-vehicle experience
    • Continue to make provision for increased densities in structure and concept plans (both greenfield and urban renewal areas)
    • Continue to provide for future integrated high capacity public transit service in Greenfield areas
    • Implement wider land use changes to support public transport use
    • Continue to increase the number of wheelchair accessible taxis in the taxi fleet
    • Implement national initiatives on social inclusion in transport.

    Cycling and walking
    • Improving Cotter Road on-road cycle connections ($2.338 million)
    • Completing Jerrabomberra wetlands cycling and walking path ($0.9 million)
    • Improving our cycling and walking path networks ($0.638 million additional capital)
    • Planning requirements for commercial development (bike parking guidelines)
    • Continue to implement bikes on buses policy
    • New Bike’n’Ride facility (included in Park’n’Ride)
    • Update walking and cycling map (web based)
    • Develop visual promotion (DVD) that encourages walking and cycling to work.
    • Review and continue to implement the Cycling 10 year Master Plan
    • Implement Gungahlin town centre Cycle Master Plan
    • Develop Molonglo Cycle Master Plan
    • Ensure provision for cycling routes, paths, parking and other facilities in centre master plans and subdivision designs
    • Develop Bike’n’Ride Strategy as a key component of the Park’n’Ride strategy
    • Investigate feasibility of bike sharing programs
    • Targeted educational programs to identify the health and environmental benefits of cycling and walking to work or school
    • Develop walking strategy
    • Ensure a focus on ‘walk ability’ and ‘cycle ability’ in concept plans and estate development plans.
    • Implement Molonglo Cycle Master Plan
    • Review and continue to implement the Cycling 10 year Master Plan
    • Continue to improve facilities (including route extension and augmentation) in anticipation of future increased use of alternative transport modes
    • Provide for future extension of transport networks in greenfield and urban renewal areas.

    Emerging Transport Issues
    • Ensure that the national focus on road development includes upgrading of the major national road and highway
    links to the ACT
    • Use forthcoming Austroads guidelines for transport project evaluations
    • Advocate transport infrastructure priorities in our national engagement that are consistent with the integrated transport principles
    • Encourage Canberrans to take account of emerging green vehicle technologies
    • Encourage people to drive greener vehicles by implementing Climate Change Strategy Actions such as the green vehicles duty scheme
    • Implement green ACT Government fleet purchasing policies.
    • Refresh the Sustainable Transport Plan to reflect our integrated transport focus
    • Undertake further analysis and transport modelling to estimate the greenhouse emissions from transport in the ACT
    • Continue to work with national fora to develop vehicle fuel efficiency measures
    • Use the Integrated Transport Principles as the strategic merit test developed under national transport framework
    • Focus our national engagement on all transport areas, including roads and road transport, rail links, aviation networks, safety, transport security issues, funding and provision of transport infrastructure, and national objectives and targets
    • Undertake research and detailed transport modelling to determine the factors that influence travel choice in
    the ACT
    • Based on transport modelling, continue to develop an urban form in new developments that supports alternative transport modes and maximises transport accessibility.
    • Ensure that the ACT is able to engage effectively with national developments in fast, effective passenger rail transport
    • Promote direct national and international air linkages and supporting infrastructure as part of the developing national aviation industry
    • Finalise an agreed ACT / NSW infrastructure Master Plan and funding mechanisms (accounting for demands placed on roads and other infrastructure by NSW developments / settlement)
    • Develop a transport model with NSW to estimate impacts of emerging regional settlement patterns
    • Adopt and implement nationally agreed reforms to deliver an efficient national transport market, including associated legislative and regulatory measures to address capacity constraints
    • Implement nationally agreed actions on environmentally sustainable transport to be developed under the National Transport Policy Framework
    • Implement nationally agreed vehicle fuel efficiency measures
    • Investigate appropriate metropolitan and cross border linkages to support future potential urban development at Kowen.

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I have heard a rumour about a guy with a flat tyre who keeps using Action to get a free fare. [Maybe I read that on Riot Act in the first place?] Not sure if it’s just urban legend, but I think cyclists could be given a different fare rather than a free ride.

Big Dave has a reasonable point that if the cyclists are costing more then they could pay more. The cost is both an investment one (bike racks) and a recurring one (delays to travel times).

At least I’m able to get a woody, Woody.

No mention of motorbikes I see.

I see the member for TWU has looked after his ACTION constituents by making sure no $$$$ go to light rail. Toot toot!

Guys, does anyone know what “Kings Highway realignment” means? I’ve done a search on the Internet and can’t find anything out. Do they plan on bypassing Struggletown (Queanbeyan)?

Woody Mann-Caruso8:51 am 16 Aug 08

extra couple of mins per bike loading time

Takes me about six seconds, and I’m slow. With your uncanny ability to measure time, your missus must be disappointed when you roll off and boast about your twenty minute effort.

someoneincanb8:51 am 16 Aug 08

Thumper @#10 according to cas @#7 you have up to 10 mins … either that’s a long lip suck or they already envisage your proposal … I suppose the plan is to extend the time limit as they build more of these drop points? … I wonder if the Libs policy are offering us a few more mins?

Oh, and if you’ve got the shits because your bus runs late now, just wait till they all have racks. That’s an extra couple of mins per bike loading time. Extra couple of mins means missed sets of traffic lights (extra 2 mins) etc. etc.

You can’t take a bike on a bus because it breaks OH&S laws. Would you like a dirty great bike up against your nice clean skirt? Or how about the pedal ripping your trouser leg as you squeeze past? And as we all know how packed the buses get, it wouldn’t be very feasible or sensible would it? Bikes should stay where they are meant to. On the road.

This whole Bike N Ride bullshit drives me wild anyway. Why should bike riders be rewarded with a free ride? They aren’t helping the environment one bit. They’re still getting on a bus which belches fumes into the air. Ride the damn thing!

Ther racks have cost the taxpayer over $300,000 dollars so far. That figure is set to rise dramatically when they are fitted to the whole fleet. Why aren’t bike riders charged an extra dollar, for instance, so we get a return on this “investment”??

You light rail nutters just had a MAJOR set back.

I bet cool heads prevailed in Stanhopes head when he realised that on weekends (as Hargraves said on the ABC this morning) he expects people to use their cars to get about. Which means that light rail would have as much patronage as as Holocust memomrial in Iran on Sat/Sun.

Push 4 light rail to Molonglo.

The difference is it doesn’t mean squat when you make your list, because you’re not in a position to do anything about it.

I could have created this list, it’s just a giant wish list of all the projects that it would be cool to have, and coincidently a whole heap of promises that the government have already made.

Woody Mann-Caruso10:09 pm 15 Aug 08

The light rail proponents, however, are less pleased.

You misspelled ‘fail’.

Vic Bitterman9:03 pm 15 Aug 08

Don’t forget kiddies. Hargreaves got done DUI as a minister.

Mmmmm. I was so looking forward to getting out and about in the coming warmer months riding my bike and catching the bus when ‘we’ get tired. Yes we, I have a baby seat, and well, funnily enough a baby! Just read about the racks thanks to miz’s link. No baby seats or baskets allowed as they may impact on the drivers vision? Gosh, babies and toddlers must be GIANTS. I am really disappointed to read this.

Oh, and no if there are no racks available you can not take your bike on the bus, you can wait for another bus, or a great idea this one, attach your bike to the nearest pole (assume bus timetable pole) and catch the bus anyway. Great advice from Action I reckon. How confident would you be that your bike is still there when you return, let alone the bus driver waiting for you to attach your bike to the pole. ha ha.

Oh well, close but no cigar…….

Perhaps the Australian Motorists Group is registering more interest than anticipated.

Gungahlin Al5:09 pm 15 Aug 08

I’m with you Thumper

I’ve actually seen cyclists waiting for a spare space on the rack at the front of the bus. In the end they gave up, but their schedule was stuffed.

Could be wrong, but I understand that Paris has tried bike-sharing programmes; after three attempts over the last 40 years it’s not really worked out.

How about looking at the way new suburbs are being planned – not as easy to walk in (eg to the shops via shortcuts and reserves etc) as the old ones.

Anyone would think its an election year. I wonder how many will actually go ahead ?

I’m sick of their ‘feasibility studies’

• Undertake public transport options feasibility study for City and Constitution Avenue ($0.09 million)

Why not just implement it until you’ve spent 0.09 million, then decide if it worked?
Instead of just writing up a zillion options papers or whatever they do.

Only two bikes fit on the racks. If this gets at all popular, I can see some riders getting stranded . . .


“Investigate feasibility of bike sharing programs”
I see a junket (sorry.. fact finding tour) to Paris coming up!

“(DVD) that encourages walking and cycling to work.”
I hope its like the educational videos on the Simpsons ‘Hi, I’m Troy McClure, you might remember me from such…’

There’s a kiss n ride drop off point already on Callum Street, at the Woden Bus Interchange.

About these bike racks on buses – there is only room for a couple of bikes, so what if it’s full when you want to get on the bus? Are you allowed to take the bike on board (like with prams), like you can on trains? The new buses have a lot of space at the front (for wheelchairs I think).

I wonder what “Augment publicly available parking to address growing demand in the city and other town centres” actually means?

I hope they realise that the problem is All Day parking, not short term.

This looks like someone’s turd polishing Canberra’s transport systems.
Anyone up for delivering small boxes of Dr Guff’s to Hargreaves & Co?

The GDE duplication is apparently going to cost as much as every other road announcement combined.

Who gets develop the walking strategy? (Hint: Left foot forward, lean forward, right foot forward to avoid falling down, breathe, repeat)

I think “kiss n ride” is drop off points for public transport. I have seem them used alot in Toronto, Canada.

I think they’re just very short-term parking bays for dropping off passengers. This from Boroondara Council in Melbourne:

“The pickup and drop off zones are known as the Kiss ’n ride zones because the passenger jumps out, kisses the driver, and then rides on the train.

“Train station patrons are encouraged not to park in these zones for longer than 10 minutes to ensure the system works well and everyone benefits.”

might have to start catching busses mroe often..

but have to pick the right routes… ewww

Cameron said :


WTF is “Kiss n Ride” ?

Hargreaves couldn’t be arsed explaining it this morning on the radio so I can’t be bothered researching it.

But if someone else wants to enlighten us go right ahead.

Maybe if you kiss the bus driver, they let you ride free.

A classic reannouncement of old policies.

Check the budget papers!


WTF is “Kiss n Ride” ?

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