With many of our younger readers heading off into the world to fend for themselves for the first time we thought this would be a good time to take you through the things you need to know if you’re going to stave off scurvy and impress people you’d like to sleep with, all with a minimum of cost and time spent cleaning.
Today I bring to your attention the humble potato.
Forget that atkins bollocks, as a starving young single trying to maximise your booze budget you need bulk carbs to keep life and limb together. Pasta and rice are also excellent but they come with a heavy cleaning load. Even if you run a rice cooker through the microwave you’ve got the cooker, the lid, and a really manky overflow plate to clean afterwards. Whereas to bake the potato requires but one ingredient, no water, no measuring, and just the one procedure.
You put it in a hot oven (~200 C)
If it’s got dirt on it give it a scrub under a cold tap. Put it in the oven (yes the oven, that funny looking cupboard in kitchen you shouldn’t try and keep books in) before you start doing the rest of your meal.
Take it out (use a glove, tea-towel, or tongs) after ~40 minutes (more is fine, the potato is a forgiving vegetable) and put it on a plate.
[Salad and BBQ’ing are to feature in upcoming episodes]
I recommend slicing it longways, half-way though, then squeezing along that long axis to open it up. Then slip in a wedge of butter and a dash of pepper.
I know this all seems incredibly simple but I swear I went out with a girl who thought she was the business as a cook and I had to do this for her several times before she’d believe it really is this simple.
Remember young singles, the potato is your low-cost, low-maintenance ticket out of starvation. With the money you’ll save you can afford more beer.