Since Action has now had a couple of months to work out the bugs in it’s new schedule I’m forced to ask: is this as good as it gets?
On my run we have five buses running between 8am and 9am This isn’t enough buses by far but it would work a lot better if the service could run anywhere near on time. Every morning the same story plays out: the first bus runs late and the second bus starts to run early because it’s right behind the first bus. This compounds because people from two buses now pack the first bus and it takes so long to squeeze them in that it gets further behind. By 3/4 of the way through the route the second bus is actually stopping at the stop seconds after the first bus and taking on no passengers. It’s passengers turn up 2 minutes later unaware their bus has already been and gone. So they double up with bus 3’s passengers and the whole thing repeats. I’ve actually been on the ‘packed to the rafters’ bus and been overtaken by the empty bus which arrives at the interchange before the bus that is ahead of it on the schedule.
But because there is no one watching at the other end how would action know their service has serious issues.
The bus that picks up ends up carrying way over it`s limit and the photo below really doesn’t do the overcrowding justice but it’s hard to surreptitiously take a photo when you’re packed in like sardines. God help us it a bus carrying way over it’s legal limit gets in an accident. People are going to get savagely injured and Action is going to get sued.
I can’t believe I’m unlucky enough to get the only route this is happening on so I’m assuming that our new ‘going in the right direction’ bus service is an outright failure.