As anyone who has been near the Lanyon shops in the past few months will know, they have put up a set of pedestrian traffic lights between the retirement village and the shop themselves.
The question I have is how many accidents will it take before those traffic lights are removed? Within the space of 50 meters (according to google maps), a person exits the roundabout and instantly has to deal with traffic lights, meaning that a person needs to pay attention to two intersections at once.
Just last night I was again faced with the unenviable choice of run a red light (and hit a pedestrian) or try and stop and pray the person behind me didn’t run up the back of me, a hotted up holden ute with a young guy behind the wheel who only just managed to pull the car up in time.
Surely if an elderly person is capable of walking the 700 meter round trip from the retirement village to the shops, they are capable of walking the extra 60 or so meters required (again measured in google maps) to move the traffic lights down to the intersection of Tharwa Drive and Norman Lindsay Street to make that a far safer place (and to make that intersection safer as well).
Finally whilst I’m ranting, the distance between the pedestrian crossing and the start of the 80 zone needs to be reviewed. Very few people actually do 60 (and those who do get tailgated). There are many other roads in the ACT which allow people to cross them despite been 80 zones.