In the initial outbreak of hostilities the Liberal Party decided to steal the water from Labor voting Canberra to literally slush a Prime Ministerial favourite into elected office in Goulburn.
Using language last heard from African Marxist dictators as they drove their nations into the dirt the Liberales are now nationalising assets so they can allocate them to the places they feel will do the most good (Liberal and National marginal seats).
Yesterday Jon Stanhope’s inneffective rear guard action took the form of personal attacks on Pru Goward while setting the record straight about the misinformation (lies?) she’s been putting out about the ACT’s water position. Later in the day he’d worked himself into higher dudgeon having a go at the Howard Government’s notions of Federalism (“All Power To The Great Leader” I think it goes).
Meanwhile the odious Gary Nairn was telling what looks to me like a fib to the ABC, saying the Government had never intended to let the ACT have Googong Dam. In which case why did they accept $60 million of our hard earned cash? This seems hardly credible.
John Howard launched his broader water plan which with its talk of sensible water pricing seems to run contrary to the Liberal defences of the Googong action “Stanhope was planning to charge Goulburn for its water”.
In a stunning feat of gymnastics Richard Mulcahy applauded the PM’s plan despite just yesterday arcing up about the Googong theft.
Meanwhile the Canberra Times reports that ACTEW is rethinking it’s water plans.
I recommend pumping Googong dry and damming the length of the Murrumbidgee that falls within our borders.
One day on and in the Canberra Times the Chief Minister is maintaining the rage and using it as an excuse for more stringent water restrictions.