For the last three weeks I have noticed the boys(girls) in blue out on Flemington Road in the afternoons and the mornings with a radar gun. They have been in a few different spots, both directions, and at different times, but I would say at least every third day I have seen them out there.
I reckon this is great. A visible police presence and people being pulled over immediately, not getting a ticket in the mail six weeks later.
But for 500 metres before you get to the radar one out of every four cars coming the other way is flashing their lights to warn you it is there.
So what do Rioters think?
- –If the purpose of a speed trap is to make people observe the speed limit, then flashing serves that purpose. You should always flash because it makes people check their speed
- — Flashing just giving hoons a warning that there is a radar ahead, but it’s safe to speed anywhere else. You should never flash because you are helping a criminal get away.
[ED – Having overcome my disappointment from the headline (I had hoped we had young women contemplating exposing themselves for some reason) I can’t help recall driving the New England Highway up near Tamworth. Rounding a bend doing 140 I discovered a police car coming the other way. I hopefully hit the anchors and was rewarded by a light flash and no other sanction. Around the next bend there was a speed camera, which I avoided only thanks to the friendly police of Tamworth.]