Today with our Unearthed Review hat on we poke a stick at local hip hop attempt “One Man Ruckus” and rather wish we hadn’t.
There are nearly 700 Canberra bands with tracks on the TripleJUnearthed website. In 2011 we’re going to explore them. (Previous reviews are available)
In this outing we lift the lid on One Man Ruckus who couldn’t be bothered filling out the description field.
He also couldn’t be bothered uploading a photo, or putting up more than one track.
In the signal to noise of the Unearthed website One Man Ruckus is the noise.
Where do we start?
The loop is dull, the lyric is profanity strewn without emphasis.
It’s hip hop with a strong Australian accent, which can be a good thing when telling Australian stories. But the only story is how great the singer thinks he is.
The strongest moment is a direct rip of Eminem (“Look who’s back”). There’s a largely deserved go at Justin Bieber fans, but perhaps they don’t deserve to be “lyrically raped”.
I’m sure it’s intentional, but at times it feels like he drops off the beat.
Cliched, not even rising to manage offence, dull.
I turned to facebook asking friends for adjectives and got these: dire, pitiful, embarrassing.
Feel free dear reader to add your own.
No stars