I’m getting increasingly fed up with the appalling waste of taxpayers’ money on the ever blossoming of more and more road signs throughout Canberra.
A classic one is “Park In Bays Only” (yeah, I know they’ve been around for a while now). I ask you, as if the clowns that don’t park correctly take any notice in the first place – and even if they do they don’t give a rat’s arse anyway.
However, the one that takes the cake is the sign for the poor, hard done by cyclists who can’t navigate their way around without the nice, fancy blue and white signs provided for them. The one I have in mind is the one on the corner of the Tuggeranong Parkway and Boddington Crescent, it says “Kambah Shops 0.2 kms” and points across the road. You can see the damn shops from the stupid sign – they are on the opposite corner!!
When I first came to Canberra (in the good old days – 1974), there was a strict rule that no signs went up unless they were absolutely necessary, these days there are so many you would be forgiven for running off the road trying to read them all.
Grrr! Now, where’s my angle grinder….