Volunteer applications are open for anyone who would like to get involved in a hands-on way with the 2009 National Folk Festival.
Vacancies currently exist in: advance ticket purchasing, Axis youth, bar cashier, bar setup, billet accommodation, caretakers, childcare, cleanup, comms centre, community arts/mural, construction, disability services, festival office, festival rego, firewood, instrument lockup, kids’ festival, MC, minibus driver, festival office (Mitchell), mug jugglers, performer payments, performer transport, raffle tickets, kitchen setup, festival shop, signage, stage management, stewards, stores, surveys, ticket office, treasury, VIP tent, volunteer healing, volunteer kitchen, volunteer top-up team, waste/recycling.
Volunteering at the National is a great way to experience the festival, be part of it, get to meet and mingle with heaps of people, and of course get in for nix. The volunteer kitchen is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, is a cheap way of keeping fueled up and is also how to get to know volunteers from around the city, the country and even the world.
If you select an option like MC-ing, you put in your 16 hours during the festival (a mere four hours out of a very long and packed day). Or if you have the flexibility to do set-up or pack-down, you can put those hours in outside of the festival and get to experience the four and a bit days without interruption.
I love the National and have already told all friends and family the only way to find me at Easter is to buy a ticket and come out to EPIC. Simply standing in the session bar is a rush, and the singing sessions are superb. (Not good if you value your sleep, but you can sleep on Easter Tuesday.)
To volunteer, go here and follow the bouncing balls.
I have many, many pics from the past few years and was attempting to sort out a slideshow but decided that life’s too short and I need my stomach acid for more important duties. So if you have enough interest to look at some pics of the 2007 festival, click here.