Hi All – this is my first post ever. I don’t get pissed off very often, but here goes.
As a musician living in Canberra, I find it very frustrating how this state always manages to be overlooked in terms of the music “industry” (please note use of inverted commas). APRA have posted on their website this link:
Which is a link to the “new” (actually I believe it’s been around in a very shabby state for a couple of years) VROOM touring site. (www.vroom.net.au) This is a website supposedly abundant with information on venues, touring circuits, and general logistical information for touring musicians, or musicians who are thinking about taking their music on the road.
Now as a muso who delights in getting on the road and playing to new audiences in different cities, I find it very frustrating that:
- a) the ACT is not even included as part of the VROOM site (what, we don’t have any live music venues down here ??? Does the rest of Australia think the ACT doesn’t have anybody producing good music ???)
b) every other capital city (bar Perth, although they are including it as part of their WAMI festival) are having a “series of information nights” except Canberra.
I dunno. Maybe I’m just off my rocker, but I hold a strong belief that the Canberra music scene is very vibrant and exciting, particularly due to hard work on behalf of a lot of people, and as muso who busts his gut doing something he loves, to have his home (i call it home now having moved here a number of years ago) state overlooked in this regard is a bit disheartening. The number of bands that start here and then have to “make the move” to Melbourne or Sydney is very high, proving the point that no one feels Canberra to be “worth it”
Now I’m not interested in being a “star”, not at all. I just find it very frustrating when all this hard work goes into something that perhaps no one else in Australia gives a crap about.
Canberra in my eyes is worth it, and I feel it is consistently overlooked in this regard.