So I’ve been noticing two things around Canberra lately:
* Many closed stores / empty shopfronts
* Many stores desperately looking for anyone to fill positions
The last few times I’ve been in Fyshwick I was surprised at the number of closed stores and empty shopfronts that previously had long-term businesses in them. Then there are the many empty shopfronts in the malls that are simply boarded up (no “Blah Blah opening in May”). Belco has more then a few, as does Tuggeranong.
This is juxtaposed with a ton of businesses posting A4 sheets looking for staff “starting immediately”. A few are picky (“previous barista experience essential”) but most smack of desperation for any warm body to stand in the shop.
I’m just confused at how both of these trends can be true!? Have living expenses in Canberra risen so high that people on minimum wage have thrown in the towel and are leaving (hence the dearth of retail warm bodies)? Are the previous employees being locked in the empty shopfronts when their stores close?
How about around you… do you have empty shopfronts? Have you noticed the influx of A4 “Please work here” signs? Any insights are greatly appreciated.