Some very good people around town have got together to raise some money for a special little girl – Scarlett who needs a wheelchair. We all know Canberra has a big heart so please come along to the Hellenic Club and support this fundraiser. The Hellenic Club are very kindly hosting the function for free. Please send this invite around to your family and friends.
An Invitation to a Special Fund Raiser Quiz Night
Scarlett is 10 years old and suffers from a rare condition known as Rett syndrome. She is unable to walk or talk, unable to use her hands. She is the only girl of school age in the ACT who suffers from this condition. We invite you and your friends to join us for a special night as we raise much needed funds for a Wheelchair for a special little girl.
Hellenic Club, Matilda Street, Woden Olympus Room
Friday, 11 September 2009 – 7pm for a 7.30pm start
$25 per person (tables of 8-10 or join a table)
Mike Desmond is the Master of Ceremonies with Steve Doszpot as Quiz Master.
Door prizes plus prizes for top three tables.
Inquires and bookings please contact Kate on 6205 0131 or Mike on 0414 017 858 or email
Please help our appeal for Scarlett, a very special young girl.