I moved to Canberra from Melbourne about 3 months ago. Back in Melbourne my partner and were very much into the live Rockabilly music scene with a particular interest in dancing. On a visit to Sydney we were lucky enough to see Charlis Greaser perform live and were delighted to discover that he and his band are from Canberra as our move was allready on the cards by that time.
We heard that there was a Rockabilly scene in Canberra but upon attending a recent dance event, discovered that it was all a bit “Strictly Ballroom!” Not a girl with tats in sight! There was some kind of rhythmless geriatric Duane Dibbley and the Ding Dongs outfit providing the music; it was all so not our scene, which brings me to my line of questioning:
1. Is there a regular venue for more “hardcore” Rockabilly music in Canberra?
2. Whilst on that subject – Is there anywhere that one might be able to purchase clothing in the Rockabilly / Pin-Up style? Buying online is getting pricier as the AUD slips downward!
3. Where can a girl get a decent “old school” tat?
And Please – Let’s not have a tirade of comments about girls with tats! They float my bloke’s boat and mine are cute and girly anyway!