31 October 2024

Will Leanne Castley last the distance in the Canberra Liberals hot seat?

| Ian Bushnell
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Jeremy Hanson and Leanne Castley

The new Canberra Liberals leadership team: Leanne Castley and Jeremy Hanson. Conservative but pragmatic. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

What cost Elizabeth Lee the Liberal leadership? Was it her reaching out to the Greens after the election? Was it her brainsnap before the election? Was she just too moderate for a mostly conservative party room? Or did it simply come down to personality and her management style?

The fact is the Liberal vote went backward when voters were actually looking for alternatives after 23 years years of Labor or Labor/Green rule. Those elusive votes went to independents of a progressive bent, not to the Libs.

The party remains on nine seats and will be outgunned again in the Legislative Assembly, although it might be able to forge alliances on individual issues.

It’s a result that demanded change, but the question is, is this the change that’s needed?

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Leanne Castley was a big improver in the last term, becoming more polished as it wore on. She is personable, warm and loved in her home electorate of Yerrabi.

But as her Health counterpart Rachel Stephen-Smith noted on radio yesterday (31 October), she hasn’t necessarily been across the policy.

And she will need to be, up against wonks like Ms Stephen-Smith, a possible future Chief Minister, and Chief Minister Andrew Barr, both of whom have years of political experience on her.

No one knows how Ms Castley will perform in the constant media glare, carrying the hopes of her party on her shoulders.

She has identified a deficiency in party messaging because their policies are not making the sort of impact they hoped for. That burden will rest mostly with her unless she intends to delegate more to her front bench, in particular her deputy, Jeremy Hanson.

Mr Hanson says he was happy to accept the deal Ms Castley offered and has now put his baton back in the knapsack. That remains to be seen.

She’s the boss, he says, but there is already speculation, vehemently denied, that he will make another move sometime during the term.

However, the strategy could be for Ms Castley to be the friendly face of the party, leaving the more experienced Mr Hanson to do the tough work of taking on Mr Barr, who acknowledges him as his most formidable opponent.

Whatever the case, Ms Castley will need to lean on her deputy, at least in the beginning. The fact is that she will hold no fears for Mr Barr.

Labor has already branded the move a shift back to the right for the Liberals, a position that for many makes them unviable. But both Ms Castley and Mr Hanson want to dispel those fears, saying their focus will be on the basic issues that matter to Canberrans, not pursuing settled issues such as voluntary assisted dying and abortion access. Those topics are just not on their agenda.

In fact, they want to put to bed all this talk about factional wars in the Canberra Liberals and present a united and pragmatic face.

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But if that was the case, then why hasn’t arguably the party’s most popular MLA, Mark Parton, been drafted to lead it? It was only he and Mr Barr who topped 9000 votes in their respective electorates

An excellent media performer and communicator, the former radio host is considered to be a moderate (although so was Ms Lee and that didn’t seem to help), cuts across party lines and lives in Tuggeranong, where the Liberal vote was highest.

He did contest the deputy leadership but that was a done deal.

Whether he actually wants to be party leader is another issue.

Mr Hanson says Ms Castley is the future of the party, but she faces a steep learning curve, and it is a long time until the next election. It will be interesting to see if she lasts the distance.

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We need a new or different “Liberal Party” more in tune with community expectations. The current one has not learn’t a thing after losing so any elections.

Out with the old in with the new. What’s Hanson doing in the opposition Deputy Leader position? He’s old and didn’t get the votes over wanting to continue to abuse billions of dollars on violent daily, annual massacres, infertility programs of Kangaroos and Wallabies genetically altering them committing mass extinction, when they are a global multibillion dollar tourist attraction worth more alive than dead. If they want to win over the community replace Hanson with someone new who got the votes. You

So when the Liberals change leadership it’s a “putsch” is it? What is it when the Australian Communist Greens or their coalition partners the ALP change a few roles then? Reaching out to the Communists in the ACT coalition should be enough to disqualify any Liberal leader from their role local, state or federal. How does old saying go? If you sleep with dogs you get up with fleas and calling the Greens ” fleas” demeans the many real fleas.

GrumpyGrandpa9:20 pm 01 Nov 24

To me, whether individuals are Wet/Dry/Moderate or whatever, is immaterial. The important issue is that Mr Barr regards Mr Hanson as most his most formidable opponent!

History has shown us that Mr Barr favours forming an an alliance with the Greens, to control the Assembly and ensure his legislation can not be voted down or amended by the cross-benches. In these situations, the Opposition needs to have an attack dog style of leadership. Someone who’ll take on the CM in the Assembly, but more importantly, someone who is a strong media performer.

I fear that Ms Lee was too nice. Too polite, (apart from the finger gesture) and couldn’t get the attention of the seemingly ALP-friendly media.

If Mr Barr again secures an alliance, it’ll be in every Canberran’s interest for Mr Barr to have a formidable opponent.

Spot on, we didn’t her from Lee until 2 weeks before the election and by then it was too late, a lot of people had voted or made up their minds. Flipping the bird didn’t help or did it?? There is so much garbage Labor has done that she could have made them accountable for, but she didn’t

HiddenDragon9:18 pm 01 Nov 24

“And she will need to be, up against wonks like Ms Stephen-Smith, a possible future Chief Minister, and Chief Minister Andrew Barr, both of whom have years of political experience on her.”

And thanks to that wonkery (sic) and experience the ACT is a nation-leader in the delivery of health and other important services and has the strongest, lowest per capita debt, budget of any sub-national jurisdiction…….

A crucial part of the messaging task for Castley and Hanson will be dealing with the serious disconnect between the myth (and that’s essentially what it is) of Labor competence which is constantly dished up (with one notable exception) by local media outlets whose default assumption seems to be that any departure from the Labor way of doing (or not doing) things is risky and suspect.

In the only sub-national jurisdiction which voted in favour of a republic and the Voice, that assumption makes sense on social and symbolic issues, but there is no logic at all to the implicit assumption that a Labor government which too often falls short in its service delivery responsibilities should be excused and protected – particularly when that means failing many of the people that Labor supposedly cares about.

Janine Haskins5:18 pm 01 Nov 24

Whether Leanne Castley lasts or not is not of interest to me.
What is of interest to me are the lies and deception demonstrated by MLA’s representing Canberra’s community.
What a disgusting display of collusion, unethical and underhanded behaviour.
Jeremy Hanson has previously proved to be a dirty politician, and he’s simply upped the status quo of being a nasty person.
I believe Elizabeth Lee to be a decent leader, and I hope she goes on to further her political career where she is treated with respect, as opposed to lies and condemnation.

Sigh. One can clesrly see the leftist nature of this article. Terms such as ‘progressive’: I guess that means the left? Sorry, the left aren’t progressive. They are regressive. And ‘moderate’: a lefty form of non lefty? 😅 And not mentioned in THIS article: far right. Translation: not one of us lefties.
I severely doubt Ms Castley’s qualifications to lead the Liberals and look forward to one who carries the Menzian Liberal stamp, to oust her. Mr Hanson.

I don’t speak right-wing gibberish….but, I’d love to know how being progressive is “regressive”…just one example that isn’t cringeworthy or laugh out loud funny.

You have it pretty well correct Milo11 while Seano certainly doesn’t speak “right-wing gibberish.” He is only fluent in Marxist diatribe. One you can listen to the other is delusional and doesn’t make much sense.

doomeddisciple3:57 pm 01 Nov 24

With Hanson in a leadership role I look forward to 31 years of Labor government in Canberra.

Blind Freddy could see Leanne was going to contest and end up the liberal leader. The libs can run around with all their BS about how they would look after every whinger and do things differently to Labor but the fact is their ideology is cut government services and jobs and then claim they are good financial managers. Then Labor has to come in after a couple of terms and fix up the mess their fire sale has created. And the promises they were making were a joke and would never have gotten off the ground, a stadium in the city with no transport near it, the return of V8 supercars and a suburb that can only be accessed through Queanbeyan. We may not have the best government, but the alternative being offered is a joke.

Clearly a standard issue Canberra lefty (public servant?)

Apparently, everyone who didn’t vote Liberal is a lefty public servant….ie. 70% of Canberra…it’s silly Bob, grow up champ.

Diesel, you weren’t convinced by Elizabeth Lee brushing off questions about the Civic Stadium and the $700m costings? Careful they’ll call you a public servant…oh wait Bob did.

Two years ago Lee announced the Civic stadium policy position and all she had at the election for a platform was a figure she couldn’t/wouldnt justify and an artist’s impression of what the stadium might look like…the Canberra Liberals fanbois can keep banging on about non-existent left bubbles and calling everyone who didn’t vote for the Libs a public servant (as if that’s some kind of slur, police, doctors, teachers, nurses are all public servants) but the fact is that Lee and the ACT Liberals did nothing to convince Canberrans that they could be trusted on social policy (which tbf they can’t), presented no vision for the future and their policy platform was a joke…..but hey nothing is ever the Liberal’s fault apparently.

I mean fairdinkum….a decade or so into building it and “Stop the tram” is not a public transport policy.

PS. I am enjoying the Canberra Liberal fanboi delusions, given the ACT Libs are seemingly intent on not changing the next best is if they and their fanbois keep making them unelectable.

The joys and perils of being a Canberra Liberal, having the times of their lives in the colorful and seemingly perfect world of Barbie Land!

We’ve had Charni-Chick Barbie, Yerrabi Barbie, Ugg-Boot Barbie, Bikie-Barbie, I love Scott and Michaelia Barbie, Country singer Barbie, Health and Business spokesperson Barbie, Deputy leader Barbie, Turn-coat Barbie and Party leader Barbie!

Now we have Ken and Barbie!

Jack D. Which PS department do you work for? You are the arch-typical PS lefty. 🤣

Sorry to disappoint you bob9000 but I do not work for the PS.

I am not surprised by your comment and others I have seen from your ilk in these pages. That surly antagonism and born to rule mentality we see from the Canberra Liberals and their supporters after yet another election loss.

Snarling away on the sidelines, blaming the party’s loss on public servants and everyday Canberrans who they hold in such contempt and who see through their lies and deceptions and will continue to vote “lefty” Labor governments into the future!

Canberra Optimist8:50 am 01 Nov 24

This analysis suffers from the same problem of so much of the ACT election commentary. Where is the evidence that Canberrans wanted a change? They have just elected essentially the same government (albeit with 2 pro-Labor Greens replaced by 2 pro-Labor “independents”).

As Seano says If the definition of madness is to keep doing the same things and expecting a different result then we are all mad in Canberra!

I’ll offer a slightly different take. A good proportion of Canberra DID want a change, but the Liberal Party didn’t offer a convincing ability to deliver that – just more chaos due to either individual political ambitions or overall inexperience. The least risk-adverse voters looked to the Independents, while the rest though “Better the Devil you know…”

Just putting it out there.

I think you’re both right in that Canberrans did want change as evidenced by independents winning two seats and taking votes from everywhere but they weren’t willing to risk independents who might give the Liberals power and that’s the issue the Canberra Liberals refuse to address.

The voters were looking for alternatives however no one (given their vote went backwards) either believed Lee was a moderate (because she’s not) or that she would keep the worst instincts of the likes of Hanson at bay.

If the definition of madness is to keep doing the same things and expecting a different result it’s difficult to see how the Canberra Liberals moving openly to the hard right is anything but madness.

There is nobody on the “hard right” in the Canberra Liberals. Your idea of what constitutes “hard right” is exceedingly distorted due to your clearly left wing extremist beliefs.

An enquiry, Ken M, to assist any discussions.

Please define what in your view constitutes “hard right” (or “left wing extremists” for that matter), giving examples of what is “in” or “out” for your dividing line(s)?

Sorry Ken, in the real world Anti-VAD, Anti-LGBT, Anti-Abortion access, Anti-Indigenous, Anti-Public transport, Anti-Action on climate, Pro-Keeping bigots in the party = Hard right.

Capital Retro10:06 am 01 Nov 24

And from your impeccable sources Seano, please tell us what percentage of the real world population do the aforementioned groups account for?

What’s that got to do with whether their rights should be protected?

Also, you might not know any but last I checked @Capital Retro women make up 50% of the population.

Capital Retro11:19 am 01 Nov 24

Women exclusively were not mentioned as a group you nominated so please dispense with the Unicorns and tell us what you were asked.

None of those things are “hard right” unless you are a left wing extremist kook. And not everybody who disagrees with your twisted world view and doesn’t want the place turned into Sodom and Gomorrah is a bigot.

Yeah sorry Ken here in the real world they are champ and that’s not just me that’s the electorate.

Women are concerned with women’s health @Retro. if you knew any that would be obvious.

And I’ll answer a dumb question when you answer a smart one, how are people’s rights affected by their numbers in the community? Do minorities not deserve rights in your worldview?

You must think people are stupid Ken M, claiming there is nobody in the Canberra Liberals on the hard right!

The party’s voting record is testament to their hard right principles and why they remain unelectable. The party’s current MLA’s recently elected to our Assembly are the most conservative in our parliament’s history. Many have strong links to the Young Liberals and right wing fringe and religious groups including Right to Life and Advance. Jeremy Hanson, who was previously leader and then deputy leader but dumped and is now back as deputy leader, after a bit of backroom and underhanded manoeuvring. Mr Hanson used the party’s platform to run a highly divisive campaign in the Voice referendum and other campaigns with Advance funding.

This is a party that wants to win government but does not believe in territory rights. Mr Hanson, whilst a shadow minister and deputy leader, together with other shadow ministers lobbied their federal Liberal counterparts to intervene and override territory laws that they opposed and has not ruled out using the same tactics in the future.

I suspect you are linked to the Canberra Liberals with your past contributions to this site. Possibly the YL’s judging by your juvenile rantings and the unsavoury and grubby innuendoes hidden between the lines of your comments. Your overblown anger at the party’s electoral losses and your antagonism directed at particular politicians of Labor and the Greens make your connections obvious!

Capital Retro1:24 pm 01 Nov 24

Men are concerned with women’s health too. What a stupid claim for you to make.
This is nothing to do with rights, it’s about opinions of people you have nominated as being marginised, in your opinion.

Everything is hard right when viewed from the extreme left fringe

“Men are concerned with women’s health too. What a stupid claim for you to make.”…

That’s not the claim I made @Capital Retro so you’re being disingenuous too.

Amongst other things, I correctly pointed out that the Canberra Liberals are anti-Abortion access which is a women’s healthcare issue and you, I’m sure “cleverly” questioned how many people were impacted (as if that’s at all relevant) and I merely pointed half the population.

The cooked Canberra Liberal attacking people’s rights is not about opinions it’s about genuine concerns held by the electorate based completely on what the Canberra Liberals have themselves said and how they’ve voted in the assembly.

Nice try Milo, but the vast majority of Canberrans who voted NOT the Liberal Party are not the extreme left…the fact that they voted in new independents rather than risk the Liberals would to any reasonable person *cough* suggests it’s the Liberal who the electorate is concern about being at the extreme side of politics.

Exactly, Milo. Left wing extremists like Seano and Jack appear to believe anybody a hair to the right of Marx must be a Nazi.

And no, seano, that’s not what the electorate thinks. It’s just you with your red nose and big floppy shoes.

Here in the real world Ken, two independents were elected and indis received up to 10% of the vote. Only the terminally dim could deny there was a mood for change, just not change to the Canberra Liberals.

PS. Please point to one extreme position I hold.

Ken M, Milo11 and Yogi are all starting to merge into one and sound so alike. So alike it sounds like they are all on the same wave-length!

Don’t ever expect a common-sense or well thought out response from them though!

It just won’t happen!

You only have to look at results in almost every election and referendum to see how out of touch and extremely left leaning the ACT is which leads the public here to view even left of centre moderates to be extreme right, it all about perspective and you’re a perfect example of that.

What are you talking about Milo, the Federal government is Labor there have been long-term Labor governments in Victoria, QLD and WA. Besides the fact you’re comparing apples to oranges, your conclusion is also flawed.

QLD and NT Labor have just been wiped out, federal Labor are in their first term and what looks likely to be their last, in no other state or territory do the Greens have a seat in cabinet or hold any significant power and that’s unlikely to ever change, ACT was the only state to give any air to the Voice Referendum, completely at odds with the rest of Australia, but you’re right the ACT is in step with the rest of the country….

“QLD and NT Labor have just been wiped out”…yes governments have changed hands but “wiped out” displays a complete lack of understanding of politics in this country at any level…drawing national conclusions based on state and territory results is pure hopeium.

Hanson! Da MAN!
Sigh you are just another ALP voting Canberra public ‘servant’. If we need change, we need to break the Canberra bubble, open all PS jobs to the external market to get a better representation of Australia here: you know that countty outside the ACT island, that Canberra is supposed to goven, FOR Australians, not just for the lefty Canberra ‘elites’.

Hard right? What a joke, you are obviously from the extreme left.

Hanson is why you keep losing. The “Canberra bubble” is a fiction for people dumb enough to be on telegram. PS. I don’t work for the APS.

Watching seanos crippling fear of the ACT Libs is pretty hilarious. Look out! Jeremy hanson is going to hurt your feelings! 🤣

Lol Ken, that alternate universe you inhabit must be short on oxygen, it’s affecting your ability to think rationally….the Canberra Liberals are no closer to being in power now than they were four years ago, or four years before that or….etc

The electorate has continually told them what they need to do to get elected and they’ve continually refused to listen…we’ll be back here in four years with you lot whinging about lefty bubbles or whatever the excuse of the day is and doing no introspection at all.

PS. I’m about as scared of Jeremy Hanson as I am of clowns…funny stuff champ.

Patrick Power9:25 am 02 Nov 24

Good god seeing everyone in here going full America mode and moaning about le evil far left/right is depressing. Thought we were over especially the left=evil tripe after we booted out those convoy to Canberra weirdos but here we are

The delusion continues Seano. How many more seats does the ALP have than the LNP in the ACT….HE HE!

You prove my point Seano. That’s US Democrat playbook talking points to a tee, correct?

Seano, lefty world is NOT the real world.

The ACT does not reflect what Australia actually thinks Patrick, especially when it comes to politics. The ACT is definitely an outlier in that regard. The highest per-capita debt in Australia ( look it up). Too long governed by the left (3 decades worth). At some stage that debt has to get paid back. Likewise the ACT was the only place that voted for the failed Voice. Two thirds of the rest of Australia said NO. Then you have the inept overspending on the light rail the over-reliance on renewables. On and on. All wrong thinking and all costing lots of money.

You have it pretty well correct Milo11

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