9 September 2012

Will West Macgregor be Getting a New Name?

| frankie
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I’ve heard rumours that the ACT suburb currently known as “West Macgregor” will be getting a new name. Is this true or not? And if so, what will the new name be? I could have sworn that I read online somewhere (or heard from a friend) that it was going to be renamed ‘Brindabella’, but that might have been someone’s imagination at play. Another opinion was that it was simply going to become Macgregor.

I don’t think there are any other suburbs in the ACT that have ‘North’, ‘South’, ‘East’ or ‘West’ appended to their name, so I can’t see the ACT officially sticking to this name over the long term? It would seem odd.

Thanks for your feedback.

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It’s going to be renamed “West Belconnen”.


I’ve read real estate ads referring to O’Connor Heights, to distinguish the desirable homes with ‘elevation’ from the boggy ones down here in the slum areas of O’Connor.

Excuse me while I kill a few frogs.

And the magnificently named Oaks Estate?

JC said :

Amazing how people cannot tell the difference between a suburb name and an estate name dreamed up by land developers. Next the OP is going to tell us that Springbank Rise is also going to be renamed! (Of course it is already really Casey)

The one that I always laugh at is Dunlop Hills, which is located in the lowest and flattest part of Dunlop.

Thanks. I thought it might be one of those fictitious names dreamt up by a developer to give suckers – I mean purchasers (or, more probably, their friends) – the impression that they live somewhere with more class than it has and to let developers charge more than the places are worth.

I suggest “Wankerville”.

How about Macgregor Fields?

JC said :

Amazing how people cannot tell the difference between a suburb name and an estate name dreamed up by land developers. Next the OP is going to tell us that Springbank Rise is also going to be renamed! (Of course it is already really Casey)

“Denman Prospect”. There you go, another land developer’s dream 😛

somewhere_between_bundah_and_goulburn7:39 am 10 Sep 12

They should call it Parkwood. Not only is it close to the dump, the suburb is also a dump.

Amazing how people cannot tell the difference between a suburb name and an estate name dreamed up by land developers. Next the OP is going to tell us that Springbank Rise is also going to be renamed! (Of course it is already really Casey)

The one that I always laugh at is Dunlop Hills, which is located in the lowest and flattest part of Dunlop.

The new name isafter one of our PMs – KRudd

johnboy said :

There’s more than just the one plaque…

Well… I was referring to the rather large one, clagged to the rather large rock, with “Westlake” emblazoned upon it… but whatever…

sorry your jaunt didn’t happen… it is a nice spot…

There’s no suburbs that have North/South/East/West in their officially gazetted name.

As JB mentioned, there is part of Lyneham referred to as North Lyneham. West Macgregor was presumably referred to as such to differentiate it to people wondering where it actually was, but it is still just Macgregor.

Kambah is often referred to as Kambah East (the Marconi/Summerland side) and Kambah West (Boddington/O’Halloran) but that’s more because of the size of the suburb.

Antagonist said :

Earlier in Canberra’s history, there was an ‘Eastlake’ and ‘Westlake’. A fellow rioter informs me that remnants of Westlake can still be found near the Canberra Yacht Club.

Not so much “remnants” of Westlake, as a commemorative plaque near the corner/bend on Black St, Yarralumla (just beyond the locked access gate). The site has previously been Gazetted for a replacement PM’s Residence… as “The Lodge” was always intended as a Provisional PM’s Residence…

There’s more than just the one plaque, it’s a fun morning’s yomp in the hills taking it all in.

I was going to take a date there this morning but she bailed =(

East Craphole?

SnapperJack said :

How about New Charnwood?

Might as well..it’s had a murder and various other misdemenours in its (very) short history.

“Stanhope” or “Gallagher” would be appropriate to the demographic … Jon “Ambassadorial pretensions” Stanhope & Katie “holidays in the South of France” Gallagher might well, of course, disagree …

@Spykler Nah, we’ve already got 4 suburbs called Dunlop already.

How about New Charnwood?

It is commonly called West Macgregor but is in fact simply part of Macgregor.

It makes sense to classify it as a suburb in its own right, as old Macgregor and new Macgregor are noticeably different. Brindabella would make sense as West Macgregor is called Brindabella Estate by the developer.

There’s a West McGregor?

Lower Dunlop?

Earlier in Canberra’s history, there was an ‘Eastlake’ and ‘Westlake’. A fellow rioter informs me that remnants of Westlake can still be found near the Canberra Yacht Club.

North Lyneham?

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