Chief Minister Gallagher is asking for feedback on possible plans for securing the growing electricity needs of Canberra Hospital.
“The redevelopment of the Canberra Hospital campus and the implementation of new information and e-health technologies will mean increasing requirements for data storage and energy as the hospital increases in size and capacity.
“The expansion of infrastructure and services is essential if we are to meet the demands of the future and ensure that the high standard of health care currently experienced in the ACT continues into the future.
“The Health Directorate has commenced work on a study into Canberra Hospital’s energy requirements as the redevelopment of the hospital campus gains momentum,” the Chief Minister said.
The energy sustainability feasibility study explores scenarios to make the hospital more energy efficient, including the possibility of centralising energy equipment in a central plant that will serve multiple buildings and also the possibility of implementing co- or tri-generation as part of the model.
“Input from the community at this early stage will ensure that the community’s feedback will be used in the development of the criteria on which various energy options will be assessed before reaching any decision and proceeding through to the next stage,” the Chief Minister said.
The three options to be considered include:
— Existing Energy Setup – continuing with separate energy equipment located in different buildings on site as part of future growth
— Central Energy Plant – all energy equipment to serve multiple buildings located together
— Central Energy Plant and Power Generation – a central plant with capability for onsite power generation
More information is available online.