With thanks to our Corporate Partner Clear Complexions, Lifeline Canberra is calling for nominations for the 2012 Women of Spirit Awards.
The Women of Spirit Award recognises an individual who has overcome adversity and given back to the community or inspires others through her determination and courage.
Now in its sixth year, the successful nominee will be selected by a team of local business women including Suzie Hoitink (Clear Complexions), Natalie Forrest (Prime7), Carrie Graff (Canberra Capitals), Pauline Thorneloe (Lifeline Canberra Board & ATO) and Diane Kargas (Common Ground Director) and will be presented at an official luncheon on Friday 2 November at the Hyatt Hotel (12pm-2pm).
Long time Corporate Partner of Lifeline Canberra and 2012 Commonwealth Bank ACT Business Owner of the Year Award recipient Suzie Hoitink said she was delighted to be on the selection panel and emphasized the importance of the opportunity this award presents.
“Being part of the selection panel is an honour, to be able to help select the successful nominee and contributing to Lifeline Canberra with what they do is very rewarding.”
“There are great synergies between the Women of Spirit Award and our principles at the Clear Complexions Clinic, so to partner with Lifeline Canberra and this event makes perfect sense.”
“Lifeline Canberra put on some fantastic events, this is my personal favourite; meeting amazing local women who have overcome difficulties and gone on to give back to the community,” said Mrs Hoitink.
The selection panel will choose the successful nominee who will receive an official certificate, a gift pack valued at over $3000 and the opportunity to be a Lifeline Canberra Ambassador for the next 12 months.
Previous Women of Spirit Award winners include Deb Wybron and Pirenne Laffin with 2012 winner Kara Potter (featured alongside Suzie Hoitink in the attached photo) to assist in the presentation of the 2012 award and gift pack.
Lifeline Canberra CEO Mr Mike Zissler emphasized the importance of nominating for the award regardless of the outcome.
“We encourage all residents of the ACT and surrounding region to consider nominating a friend, colleague or associate.”
“With ten nominations already received for this years award, there is still time left for others to be considered.”
“All nominees will be recognised for their contribution to the community at our Luncheon, with one individual selected for the main award,” said Mr Zissler.
We encourage family and friends of those nominated to purchase tickets to the Official Award Luncheon which are available for $60 per person. Those nominated and the nominee will be invited guests of Lifeline Canberra and the Women of Spirit selection panel.
Nominations are open and close on 22nd October 2012. If you know someone who deserves recognition for the wonderful things she has done, visit our website www.act.lifeline.org.au and download an application form.
2011 Women of Spirit: Kara Potter
Kara Potter is a wife and mother of three boys, the eldest living with Aspergers Syndrome and the middle son with Autism. She is active in their education and spends many hours dedicated to assisting the boys teachers and educators to best cater to their needs. Kara established ‘Learning Ways,’ and organization which provides assistance and support to children with disabilities and their families.
Through the assistance of professional therapists and teachers and using her own experience in community development and inclusive education, Kara ensures that research-based evidence is used to develop programs and resources for Learning Ways. Learning Ways commenced in 2007 with Playworks, a therapy based play group for 0-4 year old children with a disability. Since then, Learning Ways has expanded so that it now caters for children aged between 0-16 years of age and runs nine different groups catering for approximately 60 children and their families.
Learning Ways is run by volunteers, the majority of whom were parents of children who attended the free programs. All services, groups and partnerships provided by are based on the principles of Early Intervention, Inclusion and Self Determination.
For further information contact Matt Heffernan on 0427 289 453