![Luc Panissod](http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-zeX768x-UE8/TfrJsXBUItI/AAAAAAAAj1w/pViCAb1LlsU/s600/Luc_Panissod_Photo.jpg)
The Scouts are letting the media know that the head of World Scouting, Luc Panissod, is coming to the Press Club here in Canberra on Monday.
In his talk, Luc will address some major issues relevant to youth, such as:
• the need for Government preventative investment in youth, particularly investment in youth leadership programs, which are not available through formal education;
• the need for outdoor physical activity for youth, particularly activity which involves supervised risk taking; and
• the need for more involvement of youth in relevant public policy formulation.
UPDATE: A media release on this address is now available as is a transcript of the speech.