2 July 2008

WTF? More Marist Trickery - Are these guys marist brothers or master magicians?

| notdingers
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Story today from the Canberra Times

“Former Marist College headmasters and teachers will be sued individually for the sexual abuse Brother Kostka Chute inflicted on boys at the Canberra school in the 1980s and 1990s, after the Marist Brothers denied liability…

‘It is now clear that the information we passed on to you regarding the entity which operated Marist Brothers Canberra is not correct. The Trustees of the Marist Brothers … did not operate Marist Brothers Canberra,” the letter from the firm’s senior partner, Patrick Monahan, said.”

So it looks again that rather then any admission of regret or attempt to make amends the Marist Brothers are going to drag this out into an even more long and complicated legal process.

Should the Marist Brothers Canberra sign have small print saying “This school is not authorised or operated by Marist Brothers. Any views or illegal actions commited on these ground are not the views or actions of The Trustees of Marist Borthers” or should it just be replaced altogether with this sign

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Story on right now on Lateline (ABC) about the attempts to wriggle out of responsibility by saying Marist Brothers didn’t own or operate the school. A bit of investigative journalism, the real sort. Tehy’re going for the jugular.

Canberra Gardener9:36 pm 23 Jul 08

AMEN…..maristboy…….sorry, f&@kyeh well said.

I don’t know what made me think of this creep after all these years, but lo and behold they might be dishing out some justice to him and the gang of leeches we used to call teachers. I was at Penshurst Marist from 1971 – 76. Along with Robert Dunn, a nameless teacher of English & Social Studies and the rest, Kostka sticks out in my memory as a shameless abuser, although we on the outside knew none of it at the time.

I have vivid memories of watching TV shows on the ABC (we were so excited that we had a TV in our classroom) not knowing it gave Kostka the perfect chance to have a posse of three or four boys to fondle and caress. Not in any way having any idea of such monsters as he, I remember thinking that’Brother didn’t like me, so I should try harder to be good’ The best I got was a routine 6 of the best; how lucky I was!

I still remember the day when one of these boys ran screaming out of our classroom and out of the school gate. We all thought that he was crazy. Then in 1974, when charges were successfully made against this English teacher (who was very popular), we all made life hell for the (other)kid because we all thought that was making it up. How wrong we were.

My point here is that we were inncocent kids with no knowledge of such things and these bastards went for in for the kill.

I remember being so excited going to a new squash court for sport in South Hurstville which to our surprise had a sauna. We were really thrilled to end up being in a sauna. Sadly though we were with none other than Bob Dunne. We honestly had no idea that this spider was getting his rocks off, sharing some heat with a posse of young teens.

As for the culture of violence, just ask anyone from this time about ‘The Bog slam’ or Br Simon.

So, I hope for healing and justice for all involved. I am a teacher myself, and a damn good one. Maybe all this horror taught me about what NOT to do as a professional. May they all rot in hell!

I can see something sweet and poetic in having to sue the individuals rather than the body, as the individuals are the body, and are individually responsible, and morally should be individually held to account. Stuff prosecuting the body; prosecute the persons who failed in their duty! That the body sought to distance itself may yet serve the interests of the victims, if not monetarily, then at least morally.

Canberra Gardener said :

Marist College Principal Richard Sidorko says the school has always encouraged students to come forward.

“We wanted anyone who was a potential victim or who had been a victim, their families, or others to come forward and to let us know, to make it known,” he said.

“The other thing we did right from the start was to take an approach of openly and honestly communicating with the college community.”

No it hasn’t. The school only admitted Lyons worked at Marist once two ex-students went to the Canberra Times to highlight the fact and also alert the community to Kostka’s activities. Up to that point the school and Marist Order seemed very happy to stay silent on Lyons past employment and previous allegations of abuse at the school.

Zee – if you are interested in what’s happening the lobby group can be contacted at timeforhealingmc@gmail.com A website for the group is also being developed.

Thanks for posting this story up, with the links to the ABC story (and stateline in the comments). I don’t read RA every day like a few people here, so I missed the earlier thread this week. But I do kind of trust RA to be current on the story.

And expecting victims to come forward for help by the Catholic counselling service is naive in the extreme…. How they can expect anybody who has been abused to now trust the Catholic church is just staggering.

Canberra Gardener9:38 am 06 Jul 08

If Marist begin to think that they have done anything right regarding this matter, I suggest they take a long hard look at themselves.

Does Sidorko know that “Open and honest communication” means telling the truth?

OK Dick…..we are all ears.


Canberra Gardener9:31 am 06 Jul 08

Former Marist students call for sexual abuse investigation
ABC Online

Former students of Canberra’s Marist College are forming a lobby group to call for a full investigation into sexual abuse allegations at the school.

John William Chute, who taught at Marist under the religious name of Brother Kostka in the 1980s, is now behind bars for molesting students.

Dozens of alleged victims are also launching civil action against other former teachers.

Former student Mike Desmond says those who attended the school 20 years ago deserve to know the full extent of the sexual abuse.

“There’s a lot of comment being passed around Canberra, or across Australia, just expressing discontent with the way things are going with what’s happened, the general culture at Marist over the last 20 or 30 years,” he said.

“Myself and a couple of ex-students thought it would be good to get together a forum or a group so we can discuss this and hopefully get some resolution for the victims.”

Marist College Principal Richard Sidorko says the school has always encouraged students to come forward.

“We wanted anyone who was a potential victim or who had been a victim, their families, or others to come forward and to let us know, to make it known,” he said.

“The other thing we did right from the start was to take an approach of openly and honestly communicating with the college community.”

The transcript for the Stateline item should be available in the next few days from the ABC website. Go to http://www.abc.net.au/stateline/act/

I found the victims story very touching and confronting. He is a very brave person.

Canberra Gardener2:20 pm 05 Jul 08

They had a victim (disguised) give a very raw and candid outline of what lyons did to him. It was hard to watch, but my hat goes off to him for his courage.

Marist Principle said sorry a lot, but didn’t give me any confidence that he will do his job and resolve this issue for all involved.

Jason Parkinson said a lot in support of the victims and trashing the Church’s spineless, corrupt, morally contempt ways.

They touched on the history of Kostka and Lyons and where things are up to. Should be interesting if they follow this up when more cases are lodged.

any body else got more detail to add

I missed Stateline… can you give a synopsis of the Marist story?

Stateline is a really good show, they cover a good range of issues and they do it well. Their coverage of the Canberra fires issues and aftermath was surprisingly hard-hitting.

Those interested in the progress of the Marist case are urged to watch Stateline tonight on the ABC at 7:30.

starry said:

starry said :

Calling the kettle black is’nt it, ant?

I recall you jumping all over my post as well, not to mention you assumed my job was as a mop/bucket person.
Seams to be alot of bulling one way or another on a forum where i thought we were all free to post our thoughts?

You are free to push your mop, and to post your addled thoughts also.

Calling the kettle black is’nt it, ant?

I recall you jumping all over my post as well, not to mention you assumed my job was as a mop/bucket person.
Seams to be alot of bulling one way or another on a forum where i thought we were all free to post our thoughts?

Ingegoodbee said:

Ingeegoodbee said :

And remember if you don’t like the thread then don’t read or comment – there’s no reason to get all bully boy on some newbies ar$e just because you think that you’ve heard enough about sexual predators at Marist.

Well said. and I agree with your entire post, not just the bit I quoted.

Mick1965 – Take no notice of mael. His comments are far from representative of the majority of people. Regardless, Jazz has confirmed the Thread is valid and welcome in RA.

Back on topic – I’ve created an e-mail address for others interested in the Marist issue to discuss the formation, and organisation, of a group to discuss the issues and hopefully get the truth out in the open so justice (note: not revenge) can prevail. The address is just being confirmed with another ex-student who is involved in the civil action. Once I have their OK for this I’ll post it for those interested. I now have responses from ex-students and their families in Melb, Syd and Brisbane as well as Canberra, who want to form a group. A dedicated website is also in the offing. That’s not to say we might not still post the odd thread on RA if it’s newsworthy!

Deadmandrinking4:25 pm 03 Jul 08

That was ‘someone who finds bringing down’. Last minute change in words.

Deadmandrinking4:21 pm 03 Jul 08

Yes…I’m imitating someone who doesn’t find bringing down sex abuse victims poor form.

^^ bandwagon jumper.

Jazz – point noted, but WMD did a very nice job of devaluing your comment.

Deadmandrinking3:51 pm 03 Jul 08

Take that advice Maelinar.

I don’t see why anyone should have to tolerate that kind of BS from you here. You well and truly crossed a line there.


At least pretend to show a little sensitivity. I’m not going to ban you but pull your head in.

Playing the emotive card for moderation love ?

I am still fathoming how you princesses could even remotely be offended by the website comment, other than you people must be EL1, living in a secure tennancy on the public teat, and on some form of return to work contract because it is all just too hard.

The statement stands – I’ll quote an admin.

Feel free to make your own damn website.

Mods – any chance of (1) deleting and (2) disallowing any off topic posts like the above?

I am deeply offended by the the “iwasbummedbykostka” comment as would be many of his victims and in the interest of not losing valuable contributors, I would ask that the offender be banned from further inconsiderate venom.

As I have said elsewhere the existence of this site and these threads has helped me, and at least a couple of other victims, enormously. Please don’t allow these inconsiderate people to make it a site we need to avoid.

Ingeegoodbee said :

And remember if you don’t like the thread then don’t read or comment – there’s no reason to get all bully boy on some newbies ar$e just because you think that you’ve heard enough about sexual predators at Marist.


Although I think his reaction has nothing to do with the topic. It’s probably just that vg gets his kicks from pushing people around.

Ingeegoodbee1:12 pm 03 Jul 08

I’ll say this again (maybe the mods will let it stay up this time). I apologised to you vg because what I posted was seriously inappropriate. An apology was simply the right thing to do. I’ve built my bridge and taken the journey over it. Maybe it’s time for you to do the same.

My reference to civil litigation was specific to this thread. You would have to be joking if you really believed that a court when presented with a transcript of this thread would throw up its arms and say “Oh well there’s no chance of fair outcome, the plaintiffs case is never going to get up”. If you read something else into that then you’re starting to jump at shadows.

And remember if you don’t like the thread then don’t read or comment – there’s no reason to get all bully boy on some newbies ar$e just because you think that you’ve heard enough about sexual predators at Marist.

back on topic please

The above must be for another thread, as it sure as hell makes no sense here. If you can’t see how disingenuous the apology was based on what has been written since then its not worthwhile discussing it with you any more. If they aren’t man enough to stand by their words then there is no crime in pointing it out.

“If that’s all you’ve got to be worried about maybe you could spend some more time reading up on civil litigation given your eagerly demonstrated absence of knowledge in that area. I mean that to.”

That came out after the civil action was mentioned. I accepted what I thought was a sincere apology. You do the maths and question why the rest of the post was removed

Deadmandrinking12:24 pm 03 Jul 08

An apology doesn’t mean kissing your arse for eternity. You were the one who brought up the specter. My case is already proven.

And I care how much?

When you can appreciate the ramifications of such a baseless accusation for me then I will take your opinion for what its worth. Until then you and Fant should stick to flapping away aimlessly and firing blanks

Deadmandrinking12:16 pm 03 Jul 08

Then I accuse you of being an immature tool.

People who accuse people of things like that, then half heartedly take it back when they are called out by not only me but the mods of this forum, deserve every little bit they get back. Now we have seen through the half-hearted nature of the apology, which I mistakenly accepted, I am more than happy to point out the individual as a bottom feeder until time immemorial.

Deadmandrinking11:46 am 03 Jul 08

Yes, that wouldn’t be good, VG and I do not think you are. This is exactly the reason why you should stop fanning the fire. Just take a break from Ingee.


See how you like being publicly called [Edited]. I will never forget it

Deadmandrinking10:57 am 03 Jul 08

Well, it was actually supposed to be a joke about the rewards of satisfying debate, but yeah, I can see how going back into the legal debacle could be a bit dangerous.

I think both Ingee and VG need to cool off from one another.

Deadmandrinking10:19 am 03 Jul 08

See above, Jazz.

[All fixed]

DMD, you’re not telling me that the robust debate and sense of satifaction in swaying the unbeliever to your viewpoint is reward in itself?.

I’m getting off topic

Deadmandrinking9:52 am 03 Jul 08

All the hours I put in into keeping the debate riotous and no reward…..

Ah, I’ll stop here.

Groundhog said :

Jazz, like your approach – you guys have been doing this for a while hey?!

8 Years now. In that time we’ve had over 10000 posts and something in the vacinity of 150000 comments (some of which we’re still trying to get into the current format.)

Groundhog said :

I suspect RA might need some fund-raising to get that bit of coding together. Maybe just more premium memberships?

Yep, Its all a matter of time and resources though isnt it 🙂

🙂 we take it where we can get it DMD. There are a lot of hours that go into keeping riot running for very little recognition or reward.

For all the annoyance – this kind of exchange is what makes things like RA and democracy work.

Ahh, our enlightened western values. Gotta love ’em. Jazz, like your approach – you guys have been doing this for a while hey?!

Separate site would be good. summary page would also be great – but I suspect RA might need some fund-raising to get that bit of coding together. Maybe just more premium memberships?

Otherwise, I’m with the its a news and opinion site. Read what you like, ignore the rest.

Deadmandrinking9:26 am 03 Jul 08

A these friendly Overlords can turn my comments into shameless advertising, you bastards…

As you all should know the only arbiters of what gets a guernsey to appear on the site is one of your friendly Overlords which at present is Me, Johnboy, Kramer or Che (most likely one of the first two).

If you feel that the content seems to be dominated by a particular issue its because that is what is currently making news in the ACT (stay tuned for lots of election coverage). As always we strongly encourage you to contribute articles of your own.

Deadmandrinking9:07 am 03 Jul 08

I was referring to the Kosta ‘bumming’ remark, Maelinar.

Could this argument make a separate topic, somebody? I’d post it as a story, but I’m not as close to the issue as the others…

Ignoring Maelinar, since he already did himself in – are these idiots on drugs ?

I was the person who put the whole concept of their own forum on the open table which has been talked about since. Yeahhh that’s doing myself in, right proper. Gave myself a stiff uppercut with that move didn’t I.

As I said, spam is spam.

tylersmayhem8:52 am 03 Jul 08

Well said ANT. VG, please go to another thread if this one is not for you. The only one clogging up this thread with useless banter is yourself. Leave the space for those who are genuinely interested in the topic.

Poor form mate!

Deadmandrinking8:37 am 03 Jul 08

Ignoring Maelinar, since he already did himself in, VG, get a hang of yourself for a second. The rest of you probably need to too.

I do agree that perhaps a single, continuously updating thread might be a good idea…but did you consider how many comments there’d be by about the 5th update or so? Readers would have to trawl through hundreds of them just to find debate on the most recent development of this case.

[Ed (Jazz) – Insert shameless plug for premium memberships here. It allows you to find the latest unread comment on any threads at a glance.]

This is a mammoth issue for the region. Not just for former students of Marist and the victims of what went on there, but for the entire community. I think it undoubtedly needs coverage by Riot-ACT, especially since it’s very close to home for many posters.

One thing though…to the Kosta victims crowd; have you considered starting up a temporary blog on one of those eblogger sites or whatever until your own forum is set up? Then perhaps only the really major developments could be cross-posted to riot-act, with a link straight to the temporary blog? The other unfortunately reality of constantly posting stories on the Riot-Act is that it will lead to just a pack of morons dominating the thread.

Ingeegoodbee8:34 am 03 Jul 08

It’s pretty simple vg, if you don’t like the thread or the site for that matter, then you can go find some other site to be king of – I’m sure there’s a bunch of blogs out there looking for a hard-man (or for that matter villages missing their idiot).

So there’s a bunch of threads on Marist sex abuse. Big deal. If that’s all you’ve got to be worried about maybe you could spend some more time reading up on civil litigation given your eagerly demonstrated absence of knowledge in that area. I mean that to.

[Ed. (Jazz) remainder of this post has been removed]

Well said MRB, on all counts.

There really does have to be some better way to combine and consolidate the threads here when it relates to the same topic – and not just in relation to the Marist abuse cases. The mods would know more about this of course, but to have a separate home page (or whatever it is called) for a particular topic would be a great help. Navigate to that page, and all the posts relevant to that topic appear on there, with only the link to the topic main page appearing on the the-riotact.com front page.

Oh, say something about donuts ant! Go on….keep up your 100%!! Me being an occassional poster, but regular viewer, it is quite obvious that you feel you must post on every thread, no matter how relevant the topic is to you!


You really can’t help yourself can you. Why don’t you stick to your anti-kid dribble and over-excitement at meeting some new internet friends over coffee. Maybe they can join you online for your bridge in the knickers fiesta.

Hundreds of comments, about 4 posters. But you’ve been caught out trying to play the man, not the ball, on more that one occasion now haven’t you.

People who open threads that don’t interest them and post rants about how those threads don’t belong on RiotAct are missing the point, in a public and embarassing manner.

It’s particularly funny when said threads are attracting comments from scores, even hundreds of people.

Special G said :

Marist brothers are trying some dodgy tactic to avoid responsibilty. Hope enrolments in the school reflect their moral values.

Special G, I’ve spoken to quite a few people in past weeks (including 2 just today)that are now re-considering enrolling their kids at Marist. Not looking good for the school.

Does the ability to put storys onto the site from the mod cue give GnT mod status. Pretty much so VG.

Marist brothers are trying some dodgy tactic to avoid responsibilty. Hope enrolments in the school reflect their moral values.

Hey didn’t Brendan Smyth go to Marist? Wondering aloud here if he had an inkling of this going on.

VG: “I know the said man a hell of a lot better than you. Creation of a community group, yes. Letting it all hang out on this public website for all, including the prospective defence, to see……Not a chance in hell”. What exactly has been said on this site that could terrify the hearts of the Defence? That ex-students are interested and not happy with Marist? That they want to support victims? Yea, that’d ruin everything.

For a bloke that hates ‘notdingers’Thread VG, you can’t leave it alone. I think you’re secretly enthralled.

“VG, interestingly Jason Parkinson who is acting on behalf of the victims has given “110%” support to comments to the creation of a community group (see the other thread this week) that can express their dismay at the antics of Marist, but then again, you know more than him obviously. He has also posted on this site previously.”

I know the said man a hell of a lot better than you. Creation of a community group, yes. Letting it all hang out on this public website for all, including the prospective defence, to see……Not a chance in hell

“Please don’t comment on topics that don’t interest you because it clogs it up for those of us who are interested.”

Become a mod or shut up

Settle down guys.

I actually opened this thread because I am particularly interested in this topic. I hadn’t seen any other threads this week because, like others I’m sure, I don’t always get a chance to view RiotACT every day so when something on the front page catches my attention I look at it. I was hoping to see a robust discussion about liability and responsibility, and how “The Trustees of Marist Borthers” differs from “Marist Brothers Canberra”. Instead, I see 20 comments about how you don’t want to read other comments.

Please don’t comment on topics that don’t interest you because it clogs it up for those of us who are interested.


I have expressed my opinion of those involved on the clerical side. I do not have a revenge attitude – the legal system will, I hope, bring closure to the victims.

Without diminishing the importance others place on the resolution of these matters, I am not of a mind to dwell on the subject, preferring to continue to view the full gamut of items/posts on this site.

cranky said :

Both my sons attended Marist. Neither were involved with the subject matter. I find the conduct of the individual clerics abominable, criminal, and worthy of recompense.

We are not diminishing the enormity of the matter, simply pointing out that other subjects are of interest to others.

Cranky, I hope you feel strongly enough join the group of those interested in this case. I wasn’t abused either but am appalled enough to want to see justice for those who were. I’ll also point out that another e-mail address is being set up and will be advised tomorrow for this interested in the matter.

VG, interestingly Jason Parkinson who is acting on behalf of the victims has given “110%” support to comments to the creation of a community group (see the other thread this week) that can express their dismay at the antics of Marist, but then again, you know more than him obviously. He has also posted on this site previously.

There is no ‘free for all’. Like all other Threads, this is a forum for exchanging views and expressing concern on various issues. I’ve posted one ‘Marist’ thread this week and someone else posted another. I’ve posted only two Marist Threads in total while the others on this topic have been posted by concerned individuals. Obviously, this is a concern for a quite a few people. If you only want only contributions on Threads that interest you, start your own website, not sure it would be all that popular though.

2 in a week, 2 in 3 days.

Did you not study mathematics?

But keep screwing the civil case up royally

And 2 topics about pets in appartments in the last week…. like.. wtf.. i don’t give a fcuk about that..

overwhelming the forum ? pah-lease.

don’t click idiot, simple.

bye vg

Not to mention the fact that each and every little bit on this topic, including unjustified claims, will be lapped up by the defence at any civil hearing, but just go on f*&^ng up any chance of a verdict in your favour.

Like I said, all in favour of whatever you’re doing, but you don’t realise what damage you may actually be doing to your case by having a free for all on here every single time someone to do with the matter wipes their bum.

Not to mention overwhelming the forum

Both my sons attended Marist. Neither were involved with the subject matter. I find the conduct of the individual clerics abominable, criminal, and worthy of recompense.

I also agree with VG. The RA is being somewhat overwhelmed by the subject. An omnibus thread to cover each emerging nuance would streamline the subject matter.

We are not diminishing the enormity of the matter, simply pointing out that other subjects are of interest to others.

I just want to know why the cops let the Marist thing go on so long? Surely there are some of Canberra’s finest who are ex marist, ie witneses? This logic, to be equitable, extends to other respected community leaders who are also ex marist.

Mælinar – unless the word “bummed” has a different meaning in the ACT, you haven’t been following the Kostka/Marist issue at all.

Sorry VG forgot to add that while I have posted threads on this topic, I also add to my own views to many other threads, just like you. But you don’t seem the kind of person to want facts to interfere with a good and ridiculous whinge.

Poor you VG. I’ll say it again, Don’t open the thread if you don’t want to read it. At present RA is good forum for getting some initial information to those interested/involved, it is actually serving a good purpose. Also, this thread is probably more newsworthy at present than most other threads on the sight. Strangely enough, it has broader appeal and even generated some media interest that might help some victims. But that’s OK, you just keep sniping if it makes you feel better. Or you could take it up with the moderators.

This site is propped up by 3 different kinds of threads.

1. Whinges about the Police
2. Questions about someone seeing a Police car do something; and
3. The issues surrounding Marist

Going on about #3 ad nauseum means that interest and sympathy for your cause will wain. Enough already

stfu vg, you waste of air.


Thanks for your research, but your only contribution to this site is on this topic. Get your own forum and go your hardest over there. Every 2nd day on this site creates an impression you don’t want to be given. Its hard to ignore it when its there every single f*%$#ng day

Have a look to the recent comments to the right and you will see 2 threads on the same topic. I am sympathetic to your cause but the ad nauseum approach is becoming more than a little grinding

vg – Ava is right, you could just open the Threads you want to read. Do you say the same thing every time a Thread comes up about Stanhope, the Libs, the Fires, Bikes v Cars, best cafe in Canberra this week, etc? How about posting your own new and totally original Thread for discussion, after all according to your profile the only Thread you’ve ever posted appears to be 3 years old.

Mael – I normally enjoy your posts but your last comment was a tad over the top and insensitive to those involved. And yes a separate forum for this topic is being developed.

notdingers said :

newbie bashing 🙂 how quaint

What an entirely unpredictable response, but one clearly borne out by you having nothing further of sense to contribute after the lesson you were taught from the previous piffle you posted

Absolutely open-mouthed at that last comment…

Actually, its a NEWS, views, and opinion site.

Categorically, this story is filed under ‘news’.

However, this is not really news. A whole lot of people got bummed by a teacher, and they have only just grown old enough or gotten enough courage together to have their say. Strength in numbers, solidarity and all that, but spam is spam.

It is an appropriate time to set up your own online forum chaps. I haven’t looked, but igotbummedbyKostkaChute.com should be avaliable.

newbie bashing 🙂 how quaint

Do what everybody else does and ignore threads they aren’t interested in.

Actually its not a Canberra ‘news site’ newbie genius.

From the tag:

The-RiotACT is an online Riot for the Canberra (ACT) Region. It’s an open forum, an ACT online soapbox. It is “right of reply”.

This makes about 4 posts on the same subject in the last 4 weeks. How about just one so the people who give a rats can do it together in 1 place

Sorry vg

Thought this was a Canberra news site.

Oh wait, it is 😉

At worst, it looks like tactics on both sides. Yawn. Not real fond of people misleading the other side or using the megaphone of the press rather than the telephone for that matter, but maybe he’d tried and failed.

Most likely a simple error by the insurers or whoever tried to work out who ran the place many years ago. Might get interesting if one entity is insured and the other isn’t, or is insured with a different provider. Compared to some Commonwealth or corporate matters where, say, some function has been moved several times between agencies some of which have separate legal personality, this is not exciting yet. Seldom bothers the courts, which allow parties to amend things, especially where there is an error likely to be agreed by both sides.

I know this issue is of great import to several people on this board, but do we have to have an individual thread for every minute development in the matter?

How about one thread and keep each other updated there, or start your own website

I think it means that they have to sue the teachers and headmasters responsible individually to get the money, instead of just suing the governing body.

Not sure if teachers and headmasters even have individual indemnity insurance to cover this sort of thing? Will it be coming out of their own pockets?

that bulllllshit… does that mean goodbye to any money ?

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