Well, today at around 10.50am we have just witnessed yet another incident of a dog charging on Horsepark Drive near the new Springbank Rise development. This time a male (mid 30’s and wearing a checked shirt) had two mixed breed dogs (solid looking animals), medium to large size and brown in colour, off the leash and under no control whatsoever. The dogs came out the bushes onto Horsepark Drive from the Springbank Rise Estate and one of them charged a middle aged woman who was alone and walking her two small dogs. As one of the dogs charged the woman, our local coward hid (yes, he actually hid!) in the tree line watching – there was no attempt to go to her aid whatsoever or call the dog off her(we could see this from our house which faces onto Horsepark Drive from the new estate).
Thankfully a passing motorist speed towards the female and collected her and her dogs into the car. We saw that as they did that, our local coward ran, and I do mean ran, further into the treeline away from Horsepark Drive and presumably towards his house – probably painted a bright yellow colour down the middle of the roof judging by his behaviour. He had two small children with him – they must be so proud!!!
The local coward then started to mouth off as we heard the driver of the car (who had kindly collected the woman and her dogs) tell him to keep a leash on the dogs. The local coward started yelling abuse that we couldn’t make out and so, of course, the local coward quickly disappeared into the Springback Rise Estate.
The moral of this story however is that there will be a savage dog attack, with severe injuries, very soon as a result of these dogs not being under control. The council has had sufficient warning now, the Dog Rangers have also received sufficient warning and so when it happens in this area, they can expect to have some considerable litigation launched at them from the victims – along with a considerable amount of support from people who can attest to similar incidents and those warnings being ignored.
So, for God’s sake, do something about it Canberra – before someone really gets injured! Bad things can happen when good people remain silent – or do nothing!