The ACT Gov recently awarded a $13,000,000 contract to build an extra lane for both directions of Parkes Way from Glenloch Interchange to Edinburgh Ave. As usual, rioters are at odds regarding how Canberra’s transport infrastructure money should be spent.
If you were given the final say in how $13 million was spent on upgrading any aspect of Canberra’s transport infrastructure, what would you spend it on?
( Me? I’d commence building a direct and fully segregated cycle route between Belconnen and Civic. The route would be built with the intention of encouraging at least 20% of people commuting between the town centres to hop out of their cars and onto their bikes, thus freeing up motor vehicle traffic congestion. Initially the route would be between the two town centres, with connections into the hearts of Civic and Belconnen’s business and shopping districts. There would be connections to the uni’s, Calvary hospital and AIS. Once completed, the routes would be similar to this recent cycle route upgrade in the Netherlands. My 2c! )