Minister for Women Joy Burch last night presented YWCA Canberra, Menslink, and ABC TV journalist Adrienne Francis with ACT Partners in Prevention Awards for their work to end violence against women.
“The ACT Partners in Prevention Awards are all about changing attitudes and behaviours to create a community where women and children are safe,” Ms Burch said.
“YWCA Canberra has been recognised in the Community category for the Relationship Things project, a primary prevention program aimed at giving teenagers the skills and knowledge to recognise and behave with respect in their relationships.
“This project has been such a success that it is now being developed into an interactive digital portal and mobile app with a $10,000 Women’s Grant.
“Menslink has won the Education category for the Silence is Deadly program, which works with boys in high school to highlight the importance of talking through their problems rather than reacting with violence when things go wrong.
“Finally, Adrienne Francis from the ABC’s ACT 7.30 program has been recognised in the Media category for her work to raise awareness of the impact of violence against women and children.
“The judging panel noted that local reporting was an important component of raising community awareness, and while ACT 7.30 sadly has ended, I hope Adrienne is able to continue her work and to inspire other local journalists to pursue these issues.
“Violence against women is recognised as one of the most widespread, yet hidden forms of human rights abuse in our community.
“The ACT Government is committed to nurturing a culture that respects the rights of women and children to live free from the fear and experience of violence. This is not just a women’s issue – it is an issue for the entire community.”
The ACT Prevention of Violence against Women and Children strategy can be viewed at
(Joy Burch Media Release)