CEO of Hands Across Canberra Peter Gordon and Zango Managing Director Ben Faulks. Photo: Supplied.
Homeownership is the great Australian dream. It also conveys a sense of safety and belonging. Walking into your home for the first time is a life-changing moment.
But for some Canberrans, even a roof over their heads is a distant dream.
On World Homelessness Day, 10 October 2020, Zango, in partnership with local real estate agents, will donate $10 for every open home or rental inspection held to support the local Canberra homeless community through local non-profit Hands Across Canberra.
Property industry lends a hand for homelessness
October 10 is World Homelessness Day, and Canberra's property industry is raising funds and awareness. Zango and Hands Across Canberra are partnering to do some good by giving where you live.
Posted by The RiotACT on Tuesday, October 6, 2020
“We all know that Canberra is a great place to live and work, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t people who are doing it tough,” said Zango Managing Director Ben Faulks.
“Supporting homelessness is the natural place for Zango to focus our efforts on making an impact in the Canberra community,” he said.
“And as a locally owned and operated business, we are looking forward to expanding our partnership with Hands Across Canberra to improve the lives of more Canberrans.”

Homelessness in the ACT. Image: Hands Across Canberra.
Hands Across Canberra is a local charity, formed in 2010 by a group of local Canberra leaders who wanted to create a foundation to help fellow Canberrans. All donations are given to local charities, and make a bigger impact in the Canberra community.
“It might surprise Canberrans that many people don’t actually have a place to live. There will be 2,000 people homeless in Canberra tonight,” said Hands Across Canberra CEO Peter Gordon.
“Hands Across Canberra is delighted to be partnering with Zango to promote the cause and to encourage people to be generous locally,” he said.

Zango is going purple for Hands Across Canberra as part of World Homelessness Day. Image: Supplied.
Participating agents and agencies will be wearing purple on Saturday, 10 October, to raise awareness of the issue in Canberra.
Sandy Morris from One Agency said her agency has chosen to support the initiative and will be wearing purple on 10 October to mark World Homelessness Day.
“I think it’s an amazing charity to support, given the fact that day in day out, our industry sells homes,” said Ms Morris.
“If a business is going to help a charity, Hands Across Canberra is a wonderful one, and you couldn’t get a more fitting cause. It’s time to reflect on the fact that there are homeless people, and we’ll do anything we can do to help, all of our staff will be in purple, and we’ll match dollar for dollar what Zango is doing.
“Every dollar that Zango contributes will help, and we’re proud to be wearing purple on Saturday,” said Zango Managing Director Ben Faulks.
World Homeless Day is on 10 October. To make a real difference to the lives of homeless people in the ACT, get involved with Hands Across Canberra’s Youth Homelessness Pathways Challenges. Visit Hands Across Canberra.
To find an open house on 10 October, visit Zango.