Better late than never the Liberals’ Zed Seselja has noted that Green and Labor energy policies are going to be hell to the poor:
The Greens are calling for increases in low income rebates for electricity at the same time that Labor and the Greens are directly pushing up the cost of electricity for all Canberrans with policies like the solar feed-in-tariff and 40 per cent emissions reduction target, The Leader of the Opposition, Zed Seselja, said today.
“This is absolute hypocrisy,” Zed said. “Just the feed-in-tariff alone will contribute an additional $200 to Canberrans electricity bill.
“This is a reverse Robin Hood policy – where money is taken from the poor to subsidise the rich. Having taken massive amounts from low and middle income earners, the Greens now want to give a small amount of it back. What hypocrisy.
“Its not just low income earners’ budgets that are being pushed to the limit by higher electricity, water, parking costs, and rates. Most Canberra families are facing major pressures because of the policies of Labor and the Greens that are pushing up the cost of living.
“These costs will inevitably grow as detail of the Labor/Greens 40% target is revealed.