The ACT Government proposes to introduce pay parking at Canberra and Calvary Hospitals, a move that has created a fair bit of concern amongst a number of Canberrans. There will be significant negative impacts on patients, their families and friends. Given that staff and volunteers will be exempt (which will do nothing for encouraging use of public transport), the fee burden will impact those who are least able to make any alternative arrangements.
The Garran Community Association intends holding a public meeting to discuss:
• The Canberra Hospital pay parking proposal;
• The change of location of the helicopter pad; and
• The development of a Master Plan for the site, including a secure mental health facility.
The Garran Community Association has significant concerns over the pay parking proposal, due to:
• The negative impact on patients, their families and friends;
• The lengthy queues at emergency, which means that some patients will undoubtedly incur penalties through no fault of their own;
• Fee-exempt staff will utilise available parking, and push patients and the supporters into surrounding streets;
• That past planning failures have resulted in parking becoming a major issue; and
• That TCH’s approach simply shifts the parking problem into surrounding residential areas.
Helipad Relocation
The location and operations of the helipad adversely affects many residents in Woden Valley, and any re-location may have other consequences.
Secure Mental Health Facility
A dedicated secure mental health facility located at the Canberra Hospital has been proposed.
If you are concerned about any of these issues, find out more and have your say at a meeting to be held:
Assembly Hall, Garran Primary School
10 November 2005
7.30 pm
Chris Shelling
President, Garran Community Association