14 February 2010

F*** YOU

| frank_parkingattendant
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I am currently a parking attendant at the carpark at hyperdome and what you guys dnt understand is we have a job to do just like all you other people. exiting the carpark with out paying for your ticket is against the law just like any other store you go into. We do have cameras to get your registration so dont even think about running the gate!!! you have two hours free parking and after that you will need to pay. We do give you alot of time to get in and out of the Hyperdome. At the civic mall you dnt even get anything for free. Once you enter the civic carpark you need to pay. When you enter the carpark on a Friday night after 6 you do get free parking, but that is only if you enter AFTER 6!!!

And to all you mother f***ers who complain, f*** ya all you fucking cheap f***ers. its afew dollars so just pay it instead of giving me s***!!!!!

[ED – The stars are mine. I normally enjoy a good flame, but as I wouldn’t be seen dead in the hyperdome car park I’m a little mystified.]

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I seem to be late to the party on this one, but wanted to throw my thoughts in..

Gorilla said :

As a former employee of the carpark I definately know how infuriating it is to deal with someone refusing to pay $1 for their parking(which is what it used to be when I was working their). Seriously how cheap and stingy are some people?

I dont think its so much a problem of paying $1 (infact, its been $2 for over 2hrs, and has been for as long as I can remember). I think its a matter of once youre in your car, seatbelt on, and ready to go, you dont want to be fumbling around in your pockets for change, or have to break a note just to pay for a small parking charge. Also, as others have mentioned, most carparks now (especially at tuggeranong) are all automated, so if you DO find that youve gone slightly over your 2hr limit, you have to return to the mall to pay the token amount.

Gorilla said :

A condition of entry into the carpark clearly state that if you enter and use the facility you are obliged to follow their rules as it is privately owned. If you can’t accept that go park outside of the centre in the government spots then when you pass your ticketed time you can have a nice yellow envelope on your front screen if your so lucky.

As a driver with a disabled sticker, I can find a few issues with this point. Firstly, the only disabled spots close to the centre are within the pay-parking carparks. As you point out, we can go park in the government spots (where we also coincidentally dont even have to pay for our parking as long as we comply with other laws). Several years ago I parked in a private carpark in the canberra centre and was almost always told there was no charge after the parking attendant saw my disabled parking sticker. Secondly, you say the roads are privately owned, if that is the case does that mean police have no enforcement of parking rules? Ive often seen government inspectors walking around checking for permits, so this claim cant be completely true.

Also, while 2 hours might be more than enough for an ‘average’ person to do their ‘average’ shopping (which is a good point, isnt the money customers pay to your retailers, enough to cover the costs of their parking?), if an elderly/disabled person or a single mum with a couple of rowdy kids goes shopping, or decides to stop in the food court for a meal, 2 hours can easily disappear quickly. If I eat in a mall food court, I will leave the mall to ensure I dont go over my parking time limit and shop at a local woolworths or IGA with free parking, rather than risk popping into stores in the mall and running over my limit should I be delayed getting back to my car.

Irrespective of how immature you might’ve considered the OP, it’s a snivelling low act to report them for having a rant.

Frank’s post was harmless, offensive if you’re that way inclined, but harmless. Reporting him was not harmless.

To take offence at a petty online slight is one thing, but to then inform on a person, with major negative consequences for that person, is contemptible IMHO, and it undermines this forum.

Police states love that sort of mentality.

While I’m inclined to agree with you Gorilla, it’s entirely possible (and probable) that any number of people who work in/around the hyper-D read it anyway (not necessarily from centre management, but it would’ve been passed around quick enough). I don’t remember the last ‘State of the Riot’ post where Johnboy posted all the stats, but I seem to recall that there were something in the area of 50,000+ unique visitors/page-hits per month? Canberra being the tiny place it is, it was bound to end up being read by someone from the same workplace…

Perhaps not venting on a public website would’ve been a better idea? It wouldn’t exactly be difficult for the parking company to figure out who it was – I can’t imagine they have a massive pool of employees…

We’re up to just shy of 70,000 now. State of the Riot soon to make a return as well both in posts and a monthly newsletter to anyone who subscribes to it.

If he’d written something that wasn’t basically a toddler tantrum on the internet, the result may have been different. You can have a rant without acting like a 2 year old.

Wow didnt actually think someone would actually send this into Frank’s workplace as a complaint. Such a low act to dob someone in who was obviously venting their anger. He lost his job cause someone who saw this actually had the nerves to send it in as a complaint. That person is probably one of the customers who refuse and complain about paying $2 for parking.

As a former employee of the carpark I definately know how infuriating it is to deal with someone refusing to pay $1 for their parking(which is what it used to be when I was working their). Seriously how cheap and stingy are some people? A condition of entry into the carpark clearly state that if you enter and use the facility you are obliged to follow their rules as it is privately owned. If you can’t accept that go park outside of the centre in the government spots then when you pass your ticketed time you can have a nice yellow envelope on your front screen if your so lucky.

Anyway the person that forwarded this subject onto the Centre Management lowest of low you are.

Parking is free in Newcastle! I can’t understand that in Canberra some areas are free when other areas are not.

Muttsybignuts11:28 am 26 Feb 10

Why did Frank feel that this was the best place to throw his weight around? Was there a thread I missed on how to avoid paying parking at the Hyperdome?
Who thinks, “I am sick of these whinging cheap bastards, Im gonna give Riot Act a piece of my mind”.

I-filed said :

goose said :

I will forward this article to the Hyperdome management. So F*** YOU too.

It is vital to respect anonymity on the board please, so goose please retract that threat!

Retracted, just didn’t appreciate to be told F*** YOU 🙁

Hells_Bells7410:35 am 23 Feb 10

I reckon when one sees these ‘youth of today’ approaching in a herd, one should immediately start acting like a derro/scab/charity collector of the City. They will find a way to avoid one like a plague (they just learned this existed after all) hehe.

Hilarious 🙂 remind me never to visit the Hyperdome. I was afraid I might get mugged and beaten by young hoods (ahhh the youth of today, eh?) but it seems I’ve just as much to fear from the humble parking attendant

poor old frank,stay in school kids or one day you might just find yourself up the clock tower at homeworld armed with an AK47 assult rifle “inforcing” the law your own way..
remember to look up people!

As with many ‘public facing’ jobs, Car Park attendant is up with the top of them for getting abuse. It’s easy I suppose….

However, brighten up your day, give the attendant a tip! Seriously, the look on the guy’s face when I said ‘keep the change’ (about 2 dollars) was pricless. If I had been in a Merc or some other tall-poppy’s car then it wouldn’t have worked, in my beat-up Daewoo it was just fab.

Frank, just remember, those who give you grief are giving themselves high blood pressure and will die soon; so just smile knowingly at them… 🙂

Not being a Tuggborean, i dont get down to the Hyper – D as much as i should. Has anyone had a run in with Frank? or know of him?

Someone needs to chill out and stop taking their job so personally. Frank, unless you own the company, it’s not your money so who cares!

PBO said :

I have been thinking about my response to this and i have come up with this.

Get a cup, some water and cement and harden the F*#k up. You are paid to do a job, not to bitch and moan about it. I have had that particular job in the past and I dealt with it.

If you dont like it change jobs, you cannot change the world from your position.

And dont bitch and moan about getting folks registration on camera because it is
un-enforcable and you know it. If people get away without paying, then so be it.

I gather that you might be a bit of a prick and that is why people give you attitude.

If you smile and be friendly and approacable then people may be nicer to you.

Think about it.

+1 if you can’t handle it don’t do the job – simple. take a deep breathe and GATHER YOURSELF TOGETHER princess

goose said :

I will forward this article to the Hyperdome management. So F*** YOU too.

It is vital to respect anonymity on the board please, so goose please retract that threat!

oh come on, give frank a break, seriously…

So he had a rant, no problem there as I reckon everyone has been affronted by some self important yummy mummy with an inflated sense of entitlement in a toorak tractor .

Good, worthy rant though…

Or, as Elvis may have put it… “a-mum-in-a-humm-(in)-a”

“Ha! I kill me” (ALF:1980s) 🙂

a lot is two words4:20 pm 15 Feb 10

you missed one shiny flu 🙂

I have been thinking about my response to this and i have come up with this.

Get a cup, some water and cement and harden the F*#k up. You are paid to do a job, not to bitch and moan about it. I have had that particular job in the past and I dealt with it.

If you dont like it change jobs, you cannot change the world from your position.

And dont bitch and moan about getting folks registration on camera because it is
un-enforcable and you know it. If people get away without paying, then so be it.

I gather that you might be a bit of a prick and that is why people give you attitude.

If you smile and be friendly and approacable then people may be nicer to you.

Think about it.

Deadmandrinking11:42 am 15 Feb 10

Bud White said :

F*** you back Frank ya whiney b*tch. Get some qualifications and get another job.

Parking attendant = parasite.

At least someone’s doing the job.Every job comes with it’s bitching (I could write a pretty long article about my working gripes – and I’m only doing part-time with study). I’m sure most public servants in customer service areas feel the same way about some customers.

Goose, that’s low. Nobody likes a dobber.

Pommy bastard said :

I’ll make my kid read this, hoepfuly it will make her even more keen to do well at school.

You beat me to it.

I remember when shopping mall parking was free in Canberra.
I suppose those executive corporate salaries must be maintained,even if it is under the guise of user pays,then throw someone like Frank to the wolves.We definitely have a much higher class of complainer in Canberra
so go Frank push back.

While it’s obvious that Frank had a bad day and went for a mega whinge, I think anyone who is insulting him for his career choice is very unkind. How would you like it?

No, tell us how you really feel?

@Punter yes yes yes…I totally have to agree with the size of the parking spaces. Must be the smallest in Canberra.

Frank…If it make’s you feel better to get that off your chest then great, I hope you feel better…don’t let it eat you up eh (life’s to short :)!

F*** you back Frank ya whiney b*tch. Get some qualifications and get another job.

Parking attendant = parasite.

I will forward this article to the Hyperdome management. So F*** YOU too.

Yes, Limelight validate parking tickets like Hoyts used to. Just ask on your way out.

Wow, what an idiot.

Pommy bastard2:19 pm 14 Feb 10

I’ll make my kid read this, hoepfuly it will make her even more keen to do well at school.

Good on you Frank. Those of us with marginally more interesting jobs can sympathise. Those of us with marginally more interesting jobs are often just as challenged by the ill-mannered people we deal with, only often they are First Assistant Secretaries! Working on your own can have its advantages. Just watch your blood pressure and don’t let idiots get to you. Go Zen … breathe … and please don’t turn to the bottle other than in company!

i like Frank

All the parking at the hyperdome is automated for a start. Why you would need to park there for more than the free period, unless you work there or go to the movies, is beyond me. It does look like some of the gates at the hyperdome have been rammed a couple of times, to invest in some Westfield ones maybe? I have often seen people backed up at Woden because one idiot has not paid before trying to leave. The best way I have heard of avoiding the fees are by ghosting the car in front, from people who work in shops in the centre..

Punter said :

While were on the subject of parking in the Hyperdome car park, how narrow are the majority of car spaces in there? Most of them must be below standard. http://www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/laca/disabilitystandards/exhibits/exhibit11.pdf.

Frank, perhaps you could channel your passion toward a positive venture and spearhead this initiative.

I couldn’t agree more Punter; to the point where I now park across the road just to avoid having to negotiate my way through the terrors of the hyperdome car park and the skinny, ridiculous parking spaces. Husband is still cranky about my most recent encounter with a hyperdome pole.

Good on you Frank for having a good vent; better to let it out here than blow up in the face of one of the cranky car-parkers.

And as for you, ‘ED’, who ‘wouldn’t be seen dead in the hyperdome carpark’; your comment reflects the very worst kind of Canberran snobbery.

sexynotsmart11:39 am 14 Feb 10

With Frank on this one. Weel, whoever Frank is at Woden. Last Wednesday night some chip-on-her-shoulder Territory-driving baby boomer blocked an outgoing lane for everybody behind her.

Her basis for not paying at the booths? It was under 2 hours when she left the centre to head back to her car.

The effect on everybody doing the right thing? Queueing in the heat for a quarter hour.

While were on the subject of parking in the Hyperdome car park, how narrow are the majority of car spaces in there? Most of them must be below standard. http://www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/laca/disabilitystandards/exhibits/exhibit11.pdf.

Frank, perhaps you could channel your passion toward a positive venture and spearhead this initiative.

Something tells me Frank is about to pop up in a course for ‘customer relations’ very soon.

Limelight do validate tickets.

It is automated Punter and to their credit the old girls who used to man the exit booths before automation were always unfailingly civil and polite. Same can’t be said for Centre Management or the brain dead Morons who call themselves “Security”

Cranky Franky, it might be time for a career change. I thought the Hyperdome was fully automated?

Let me help you on the way to a better life Mr. Frank:

The words “do not” can be abbreviated with “don’t” and not “dnt”

Other than that your petty rant (or should it really be called a whinge) was quite good on the spelling front, in fact it’s quite the achievement in comparison to Riot Act’s Ranters Hall of Fame.

By the way, Happy Valentines Day. I would give you flowers/chocolates, but I’m afraid you’ll murder me with a boom gate.

Frank, what actually happened? Details with no regos would be great. Was it a late model Toyota, grass green in colour? Then I’m sorry. I truly am. PMS is my only excuse.

Punter said :

I was under the impression the Hyperdome was completely automated with ticket machines to manage the car park, no more ‘toll booths’.

I knew it was a bad idea to connect the parking system to the Internet.

There is one lonely personed booth in the top carpark near Coles – Frank is probably in that one. Frank if they would improve the signage re Fri night parking you might get more joy – if it says entry after 6 it is in very little writing as all I see is Friday night – to me that is anytime after finishing work on Friday!

Glad you could get your frustrations out and I promise I am one of the people who are usually nice to you.

Definitely flame of the month

I was under the impression the Hyperdome was completely automated with ticket machines to manage the car park, no more ‘toll booths’. On the side Frank, does the limelight cinema validate car park tickets the way Hoyts used to?

Sorry Frank, you gonna have a coronary?

I have a feeling that you don’t really like your job, I can possibly give you a hug next time I’m down there.

where’d my ‘a’ go? ‘a frank assessment…’

Hahahaha, Frank, you obviously feel strongly on this issue. Let me guess you just served an especially cranky, probably older bloke who asked to talk to your boss, and are still seething with unfairness of it all. Let me just say never work in any type of call centre or government shopfront, Medicare etc or you will really cry.

this is clearly very frank assessment of the situation – that said, despiTE LACK OF CAPITALs in odd places, etc: flame of the month?

The Horrordome just got a whole lot scarier!

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