ACT Greens Senate Candidate Kerrie Tucker has displayed a disgusting lack of principle in accepting a $20,000 donation from the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), and demonstrated that her green credentials are not as important as a fat pile of cash, ACT Senator Gary Humphries said today.
The ACT Greens website includes a list of donations made to the party in the past 12 months, prominent among which is a $20,000 donation from the Organising Fund of the ACT Branch of the CFMEU.
Senator Humphries said that he was flabbergasted to discover Mrs Tucker would accept a donation from the union given its strident support for further logging of Tasmania’s old growth forests and opposition to key aspects of the Green’s environmental policy.
“I mean, this is the same group that cheered John Howard when he announced an extension of logging in Tasmania in 2004, and which has consistently opposed any moves to lock-up Australian forests – what on earth is Mrs Tucker doing getting into bed with them by accepting such a substantial donation?” Senator Humphries asked.
“Are her so-called ‘green credentials’ just a front which disguises a secret passion for logging? Or is her campaign simply going so badly that she has no choice but to accept donations from all comers?”
“Either way, I believe Mrs Tucker has some serious questions to answer – to her fellow Greens, her supporters, and the wider ACT electorate.”