The Clean Energy Future website has an intriguing promise of a house being built in Crace which will be able to flip around to follow the sun:
The rotating house, in the suburb of Crace, will be the first of its kind in the nation’s capital.
Currently under construction, the four-bedroom home, designed by DNA Architects and Industrious Design, will allow its owners to take full advantage of natural light and solar efficiency by rotating with the touch of a button.
The house – dubbed Girasole, meaning follow the sun – can complete a full rotation in less than 10 minutes and can also rotate to track the sun automatically.
The rotation, using twenty-eight wheels and two motors, will require about 100 watts of electricity – about the same as a bright light bulb.
We look forward to seeing this wonder in action.
UPDATE 12/12/12 16:43: The house’s PR firm have been in touch to point us at a story in The Age and a facebook page if you’re interested.