26 March 2013

City to the Lake. A more glorious dawn awaits?

| johnboy
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YouTube brings us the ACT Government’s new grand plan to sweep future development down to the Lake, complete with a new stadium:

City to the Lake is a transformational project being developed within The City Plan, and is integral to realising the City’s potential as we embark on our second century. The ACT Government is committed to full community consultation and we will be conducting a range of consultation activities in coming months.

City to the Lake is about sharing our vision for what Canberra, in its second century, could be. This fly-through brings those possibilities to life.

There is, it seems, a whole website devoted to the cause:

    — The National Museum of Australia will be better connected to the City by a new interpretive boardwalk fronted by a potential new lakeside national attraction.

    — A new aquatic centre and pleasure beach on the waterfront allows the everyday activity of the City to connect with the Lake.

    — Ferries and water taxis can deliver people to the City at a new ferry terminal.

    — The new waterfront will offer restaurants, cafes and places for people to meet, promenade or simply sit and relax.

    — Continuous public access is provided where cyclists and pedestrians can both experience the waterfront safely on generous, separated paths.

    — The City streets will extend to West Basin to provide easy access for pedestrians and vehicles and clear views of the Lake.

    — Stormwater will be captured and treated through a series of water gardens before entering the lake. This cleansed and filtered water can be used to top up the aquatic centre facilities and the beach pool. This will ensure that the Lake water quality is enhanced and protected.

UPDATE: Chief Minister Gallagher’s media release is now available:

ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher today announced two projects that have the potential to transform the city centre and guide future development in the heart of Canberra.

At the National Museum of Australia, the Chief Minister was joined by Minister for Economic Development Andrew Barr and Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development Simon Corbell to announce the two projects: ‘The City Plan’ and ‘City to the Lake’ projects.

“As we celebrate our first 100 years, and look towards our next century, it is appropriate to talk about the role of our City centre, and how it can become a more dynamic, vibrant and sustainable place.

“The City Plan will provide a blueprint for future infrastructure development, land release and incentives for redevelopment right across the city. It will guide our decision making on what facilities and infrastructure are needed, where these should be located, and what should be the appropriate mix of land use,” the Chief Minister said.

The City to Lake project was also unveiled. This project will extend the city towards the lake, and finally link the two areas. It encompasses an area stretching from West Basin to Anzac Parade, and may include:

• A rectangular sports stadium;
• A new convention centre;
• Cultural facilities;
• An aquatic facility and urban beach; and
• Making Parkes Way a split-level boulevard to seamlessly link West Basin and Civic.

UPDATE 26/03/13 13:22: The Liberals Jeremy Hanson agrees the plans look pretty but questions if they can be achieved:

“Although many of the concepts look attractive, I question the Government’s ability to deliver on their promises. We all remember the grand designs for a new Government Office tower which Andrew Barr and Katy Gallagher promised to deliver, but then dropped once the hard questions were asked by the Opposition and their flawed planning was exposed.

“After the extraordinary Cotter Dam cost blow outs, the GDE, the prison and other botched infrastructure projects, Canberrans should not be fooled by glossy brochures and slick videos that are no substitute for competent infrastructure delivery.

“I will be seeking a detailed briefing from the Government on their proposal and will pay particular attention to some of the hard questions that will need to be answered, including costs, timelines, consultation, parking, disruption to existing parkland and amenities, budgetary impact, and who will be paying for this project,” concluded Mr Hanson.

stadium options

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City to Lake is primarily about privatising open public space for yet more ubiquitous blocks of flats and commercial premises….in the process, robbing the community of lake to mountain vistas and of opportunities for developing Acton Park into a major municipal waterside parkland and recreational facility.

Over the years, successive ACT administrations have used the usual ploy of letting the West Basin open spaces go to the dogs; the last straw was the conversion of Acton Park into a “temporary car park”.

By devaluing these precious public spaces, governments punt that they will face limited community opposition to handing them over to private property interests for the sorts of ill conceived developments contained in ‘city to the lake’. Of course there are the usual trinkets designed to win over the public…quays, coffee shops and the like.

Mr Evil said :

miz said :

Au contraire, Mr Evil, I would expect there to be an egalitarian, salt and pepper mix of tenants!
And BTW, your spin on my views, while interesting, is quite incorrect. I refer you to #49. For further detail, please go back to original post about the issue you continually feel obliged to raise (even when off topic), as I am getting sick of being misquoted by people who can’t be bothered to read.

Salt and Pepper mix – so long as it doesn’t include any disadvantaged youth?

After all, they might steal stuff/rape your pets/set fire to your car/pee on your doorstep.

Is this the DIY weekend thread all of a sudden or what?

Watson said :

Masquara said :

All good. “Fake beach” culturally alien to Australians and clearly aimed at tourists from SE Asia. Canberrans can still head for the coast!

You’ve never been to Brissy then? Their fake beach does attract lots of tourists but the locals love it too. I’m all for it.

And I don’t get people complaining about the lake being dirty. Apart from the blue-green algae (which admittedly do appear way too often) there is nothing wrong with that water and we swim in it all the time.

You mean the one at Southbank? If you think it’s conceivable that Canberra could create anything remotely similar to the Southbank lagoon and precinct – driven by Queensland mega tourism & mining dollars – you are very much the optimist!

miz said :

Au contraire, Mr Evil, I would expect there to be an egalitarian, salt and pepper mix of tenants!
And BTW, your spin on my views, while interesting, is quite incorrect. I refer you to #49. For further detail, please go back to original post about the issue you continually feel obliged to raise (even when off topic), as I am getting sick of being misquoted by people who can’t be bothered to read.

Salt and Pepper mix – so long as it doesn’t include any disadvantaged youth?

After all, they might steal stuff/rape your pets/set fire to your car/pee on your doorstep.

Some potbellied, cobweb of an academic whose been at ANU since the 1960s was on Win News tonight complaining that the plan is bizarre and we’re all too focused on the myth of Walter Burley Griffin’s plan.

You know what I think is bizarre, that this academic formed such a firm conclusion about the plan within 24hrs, and despite trying, still sounded a bit sour grapes that an interstate firm was asked to do the plan rather than him.

Au contraire, Mr Evil, I would expect there to be an egalitarian, salt and pepper mix of tenants!
And BTW, your spin on my views, while interesting, is quite incorrect. I refer you to #49. For further detail, please go back to original post about the issue you continually feel obliged to raise (even when off topic), as I am getting sick of being misquoted by people who can’t be bothered to read.

Ben_Dover said :

We do not need another stadium, it would be a complete waste of money. Open the bidding for contractors on the condition they will have to make the thing pay to recoup their money, see how many are interested.

How is it a waste of money? The problem with stadiums is they need to be updated to continue to attract events that use them. People enjoy attending sporting events as much as they enjoy galleries, museums and festivals. They are talking about building a new stadium by the end of the deacde as the current one will be close to 40 odd years old. a study was done and to significantly upgrade Bruce it would cost half as much as a new stadium and no where near as good.

We do not need another stadium, it would be a complete waste of money. Open the bidding for contractors on the condition they will have to make the thing pay to recoup their money, see how many are interested.

Felix the Cat said :

Cool. No mention of how much it will cost or how it will be funded though. It would cost many billions of dollars I would think.

Probably – although im not sure that the Government needs to pay for all of it. There seems to be a lot of private buildings/apartments/office space there – Im sure if companies are going to make a fortune developing these sites – the community can ask them to pay for some of the infrastructure. The stadiums are a different deal – they only ever lose money – so it’s likely that’s a cost the ACT would need to pay.

Gungahlin Al said :

Watson said :

Masquara said :

All good. “Fake beach” culturally alien to Australians and clearly aimed at tourists from SE Asia. Canberrans can still head for the coast!

You’ve never been to Brissy then? Their fake beach does attract lots of tourists but the locals love it too. I’m all for it.

Yes indeed. Brisbane’s Southbank “fake beach” is amazingly popular, and not the slightest bit “culturally alien”. Take your blinkers off Masquara.

Will they have a wall to swim and get changed behind like the one you supported at the Gungahlin pool?

Felix the Cat1:12 pm 27 Mar 13

Cool. No mention of how much it will cost or how it will be funded though. It would cost many billions of dollars I would think.

Poetix, I don’t dislike anyone but do object strongly, like most people, to governments not being open and transparent about stuff and giving preference to certain interest groups without proper consultation.
I hope that clears things up.

poetix said :

miz said :

It also seems the proposed ‘beach’ has distracted many from noticing the proposed accommodation for a select, wealthy few as part of this plan. What the . . . ?


Seriously, they made this mistake at Kingston Foreshore, have they not learned? This is not what Canberra is supposed to be: rather, it’s supposed to be an example of egalitarian society, not ‘an opportunity for exclusive water views’ for a select few. The lake belongs to everyone.

So who do you dislike more miz, the homeless or the wealthy? Seems you have no time for anyone who dares to exist in a different way from miz.

The lake will still be open to everyone.

They should built expensive luxury apartments, then ask miz to personally choose the most ‘deserving’ ACT Housing tenants to live in them.

Of course, the list miz supplied would only include people:

– who have have a massive sense of entitlement,
– who have been bludging off ACT Housing for 20 years or more while earning a good living and enjoying the cheap accommodation,
– who will do their utmost to make sure anyone else less well off never has an opportunity to get their snout anywhere near ‘their’ trough,
– who never expect to have change their lifestyle choices and go and fend for themselves in the real world.

Gungahlin Al12:26 pm 27 Mar 13

Watson said :

Masquara said :

All good. “Fake beach” culturally alien to Australians and clearly aimed at tourists from SE Asia. Canberrans can still head for the coast!

You’ve never been to Brissy then? Their fake beach does attract lots of tourists but the locals love it too. I’m all for it.

Yes indeed. Brisbane’s Southbank “fake beach” is amazingly popular, and not the slightest bit “culturally alien”. Take your blinkers off Masquara.

I think we should re-name Canberra “Developers Paradise”.

GardeningGirl12:09 pm 27 Mar 13

miz said :

It also seems the proposed ‘beach’ has distracted many from noticing the proposed accommodation for a select, wealthy few as part of this plan. What the . . . ?


Seriously, they made this mistake at Kingston Foreshore, have they not learned? This is not what Canberra is supposed to be: rather, it’s supposed to be an example of egalitarian society, not ‘an opportunity for exclusive water views’ for a select few. The lake belongs to everyone.

So far Kingston Foreshore is accommodation for the few and asbestos dumps. If it weren’t for the markets and glassworks at one end there wouldn’t really be anything to entice the wider population down there to enjoy the foreshore as we were given to believe. I hope that will change in time but I haven’t heard anything about any new public attractions being built?

Btw is the audio fixed yet?

GardeningGirl11:58 am 27 Mar 13

spinact said :

. . Not entirely the ACT Government’s vision, the idea is straight from the NCA’s 2006 Amendment to the National Capital Plan, but their vision for the lakes edge is far more imaginative than the NCA’s artists impressions . .

I knew it was giving me deja vu! I remember going to Regatta Point to collect the discussion paper and having lengthy words with the woman behind the counter about whether it was available there as the NCA had advised, until another staff member came past and remembered having seen a pile sitting in the back room. Experiences like that just add to the cynicism about governments actually wanting any community input into community consultations.

Masquara said :

All good. “Fake beach” culturally alien to Australians and clearly aimed at tourists from SE Asia. Canberrans can still head for the coast!

You’ve never been to Brissy then? Their fake beach does attract lots of tourists but the locals love it too. I’m all for it.

And I don’t get people complaining about the lake being dirty. Apart from the blue-green algae (which admittedly do appear way too often) there is nothing wrong with that water and we swim in it all the time.

The beach is going to use filtered water if you watch the video.

All good. “Fake beach” culturally alien to Australians and clearly aimed at tourists from SE Asia. Canberrans can still head for the coast!

miz said :

It also seems the proposed ‘beach’ has distracted many from noticing the proposed accommodation for a select, wealthy few as part of this plan. What the . . . ?


Seriously, they made this mistake at Kingston Foreshore, have they not learned? This is not what Canberra is supposed to be: rather, it’s supposed to be an example of egalitarian society, not ‘an opportunity for exclusive water views’ for a select few. The lake belongs to everyone.

So who do you dislike more miz, the homeless or the wealthy? Seems you have no time for anyone who dares to exist in a different way from miz.

The lake will still be open to everyone.

It also seems the proposed ‘beach’ has distracted many from noticing the proposed accommodation for a select, wealthy few as part of this plan. What the . . . ?


Seriously, they made this mistake at Kingston Foreshore, have they not learned? This is not what Canberra is supposed to be: rather, it’s supposed to be an example of egalitarian society, not ‘an opportunity for exclusive water views’ for a select few. The lake belongs to everyone.

Dear ACT Gumbymint,
When 60 bolts in a dam wall takes 2 years to complete and the GDE takes 8+ years, I am curious as to the time frame of building this civic utopia.

Will the lake water be clean enough to swim in it by then?
Throw in a monorail, high speed link to Sydney, tunnel through Mt Ainslie and international flights etc etc.

…. and any chance of money from the feds? I’m not sure if I can afford utopia with my current rates, water and other utilities bills.

I am at a complete loss. Shouldn’t this extravaganza be placed on all the empty land next to Lake Tuggeranong? We really should have a properly south side stadium, given we have little sporting facilities and are forever having to travel northside for sport. (LBG does not count as southside as it is practically in Civic.)

Look its a plan and while it has some long term visions in it, most things start with a plan somewhere. I personally have thought the main issue with canberra is the lake and its lack of facilities.
Also moving the stadium into city is the best idea. I’m pretty certain manuka businesses do good trade when the football or cricket is on. I’ve also lost track of the number of times I’ve wanted to go for a drink or a meal after a Raiders or Brumbies game, but had to drive somewhere else to do so. not the end of the world, but it would be nice to have the option of walking to nearby places.

I don’t get people who complain about roadworks. Other than the stupidity of bulding the GDE as a single lane first, i’m not sure what else could be done. If they did them quicker it would cost more or doing them all at once would be a huge pain in the neck and cost a lot more.

The idea to submerge Parkes way is good, given the amount of traffic that uses it to go to/from Russell/Barton.

Agree most of it will take time, although i believe the stadium is on the cards to be ready around 2019.

“Interpretive boardwalks” and “smart boulevards”…. I can’t wait! The intention is great, but I can’t help but notice that access from Parkes Way on Commonwealth Ave would be via a dinky intersection? It’s almost as if those coming up with the ideas have never had to actually move around Canberra, and I’m a bloody cyclist.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea, it’s fantastic and, dare I say for this mob, visionary.

But it won’t happen.

Not entirely the ACT Government’s vision, the idea is straight from the NCA’s 2006 Amendment to the National Capital Plan, but their vision for the lakes edge is far more imaginative than the NCA’s artists impressions.

Would love to see it happen

gungsuperstar1:24 am 27 Mar 13

Liam46 said :

A square sports ground, hmmm, what about make for a real spectacle, get the Canberra City council to do some decent planning, maybe employ somebody from Melbourne and build an AFL ground close to the city !!!! Now that would be worthwhile !

Really? Manuka Oval isn’t close enough to the city? You can walk it in under an hour!

And it’s a beautiful little ground, perfect for Canberra. People are really unappreciative of Manuka Oval i reckon.

Liam46 said :

build an AFL ground close to the city !!!! Now that would be worthwhile !

Close to the city of what??? I’m an AFL fan (Weston side) but Manuka Oval (5m in car/maybe 15m via bus) is about as close to the city centre as Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and closer than Perth/Adelaide.

gungsuperstar said :

And as others have commented – the debacle that is the current Parkes Way roadworks don’t make me confident that this element could start tomorrow and still not be complete in 15 years.

Debacle? Really? Maybe I’ve been living here too long, and I’ve lost perspective, but I think the Parkes Way road works are some of the better we’ve had in recent years. Driving through there fairly regularly, I can actually see progress day after day. Yes, the bridges are behind, but the company contracted to build them going belly up wasn’t part of the planning, I’m sure.

Aside from that though, if the rest of Canberra’s road works progressed at the same pace as the Parkes Way works, I think we’d have less to complain about. It’s probably not a coincidence that the Parkes Way works have been coordinated by the NCA, not the ACT Government…

Well, that was almost unwatchable with all of the audio glitches.

I really, really hope that something like this happens during my lifetime. I also hope that none of the people responsible for allowing such a buggy video to be publicly available have anything to do with planning it…

Liam46 said :

A square sports ground, hmmm, what about make for a real spectacle, get the Canberra City council to do some decent planning, maybe employ somebody from Melbourne and build an AFL ground close to the city !!!! Now that would be worthwhile !

Firstly, we have enough trouble getting 14000 to the AFL games at our current inner south stadium and secondly the area in question isn’t big enough for a cricket ground.

Great idea, but where’s the “Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good”?????

Albert Speer would be pleased… Canberrania…

Very pretty, but I struggle to believe that it’s in any way practical. I do like how Commonwealth Ave is so delightfully bereft of traffic.

A square sports ground, hmmm, what about make for a real spectacle, get the Canberra City council to do some decent planning, maybe employ somebody from Melbourne and build an AFL ground close to the city !!!! Now that would be worthwhile !

Step 1. Raise northbound starting from before Barry drive. Extend to city hill/Vernon circle.
Step 2. Enjoy much more spacious and accessible civic centre.

If this goes ahead, it’s going to be mostly brilliant and really fixes up a big mistake in Canberra’s planning.

Skidbladnir said :

Won’t somebody think of the Futsal oval?

Yes, any ovals that are rectangular must be preserved…

gungsuperstar6:19 pm 26 Mar 13

I wonder how much “we” spent on a plan that will never get up, and for a video that doesn’t work.

Let’s be honest, this isn’t about better connecting the city to the lake – it’s about trying to build a stadium in the city despite the lack of room and parking facilities. Much as we need a new stadium, and the city would be a great location for it… I don’t think this is it.

And as others have commented – the debacle that is the current Parkes Way roadworks don’t make me confident that this element could start tomorrow and still not be complete in 15 years. I know a little bit about construction and foundations, and I’m not sure how I’d feel about being in one of the new Acton apartment buildings while they’re digging around those foundations…

It’s a very nice plan. It’d be a very nice video if it worked. But why pay a consultant to develop an attractive, but complete unattainable thought bubble?

And while the stadium looks conveniently tiny in this video, have they stopped to consider the enormous shadow it will cast over the area? (Although I can’t be worse than the ugly-as-balls Climate Change building)

King_of_the_Muppets4:06 pm 26 Mar 13

If only this vision could be realised…..

Also City Hill around 8 minutes looks much less accessible than it is now with the Northbourne Median removed (currently the best way to get up there, cross at the London Circuit lights and it’s a clear safe walk up.

The best way to connect the city to the lake would be to lower Parkes way into a cut-and-cover tunnel from just after Anzac Parade to the existing tunnel at Acton.

And now the video has disappeared……..

They’ve re-uploaded the video. Still has clipping audio mind you. Could be a wild ride.

Gungahlin Al said :

Let me just paraphrase Jeremey’s response:

My party’s financial supporters will be cock-a-hoop over this plan, to the extent that I’m really struggling to find something to criticise, so instead all the old chestnests will have to do.

And Canberrans should not be fooled by glossy brochures and slick videos produced by the Government. They should only pay attention to the glossy brochures and slick videos produced by our party.

yep: OMG, someone else had an idea, we better say its terrible because that is how the Liberal party wins. Not that we have any ideas ourselves -vision is for nerds. Our focus is on making sure no one else is able to do anything. I mean, we are the conservative party and you know conservative means no change from the way it was in the 1950s

Won’t somebody think of the Futsal oval?

Gungahlin Al1:40 pm 26 Mar 13

Let me just paraphrase Jeremey’s response:

My party’s financial supporters will be cock-a-hoop over this plan, to the extent that I’m really struggling to find something to criticise, so instead all the old chestnests will have to do.

And Canberrans should not be fooled by glossy brochures and slick videos produced by the Government. They should only pay attention to the glossy brochures and slick videos produced by our party.

Sgt.Bungers said :

gooterz said :


I’ll just leave this here to fester…

“Parking is not a constitutional right in any country.” – Dr. Enrique Peñalosa.

While we’re stirring how ’bout there’s no such thing as free parking?

chewy14 said :

Chop71 said :

2.15 nice pic of Sydney (bridge and opera house).

Why cram the stadium in the city when there is plenty of land (right next to the GDE for easy access and parking) at Bruce.

…the rest of this magnificent utopia will take 100+ years to build.

Bruce is a horrible location for a stadium. It’s near absolutely nothing and causes massive traffic issues whenever there’s a big game on because everyone drives.

I love going to Sydney and Melbourne to watch footy games at Stadiums that are actually close to something and have easy public transport access to get you there. A stadium in the city, well serviced by public transport would be awesome.

I agree about the long time frame for any of this to happen but surely it’s better to have some long term planning and vision rather than the hodge podge stuff that happens in most places now?

I think these kind of ideas are great.

Imagine the Canberra light rail network ending its route in this new development…

bundah said :

gooterz said :


Now you really have thrown a spanner in the works!

You guys do realise that all Canberra parking doesn’t need to be open air, high visability parking?

You know that they can stick these parking things under buildings… right?

gooterz said :


I’ll just leave this here to fester…

“Parking is not a constitutional right in any country.” – Dr. Enrique Peñalosa.

Looks great, a beach and stadium with walking distance of my house would be awesome.

Holden Caulfield11:21 am 26 Mar 13

Overall I think it looks pretty damn good. Shame it won’t happen in my lifetime.

And I wouldn’t want to be living here while they take three years to wreck/fix Parkes Way.

Chop71 said :

2.15 nice pic of Sydney (bridge and opera house).

Why cram the stadium in the city when there is plenty of land (right next to the GDE for easy access and parking) at Bruce.

…the rest of this magnificent utopia will take 100+ years to build.

Bruce is a horrible location for a stadium. It’s near absolutely nothing and causes massive traffic issues whenever there’s a big game on because everyone drives.

I love going to Sydney and Melbourne to watch footy games at Stadiums that are actually close to something and have easy public transport access to get you there. A stadium in the city, well serviced by public transport would be awesome.

I agree about the long time frame for any of this to happen but surely it’s better to have some long term planning and vision rather than the hodge podge stuff that happens in most places now?

I think these kind of ideas are great.

2.15 nice pic of Sydney (bridge and opera house).

Why cram the stadium in the city when there is plenty of land (right next to the GDE for easy access and parking) at Bruce.

…the rest of this magnificent utopia will take 100+ years to build.

Yay for bread and circuses.

We didn’t really like Acton Park(ing) I guess.

This looks good.

I think that outside the section between the bridges there should be a lot more development on the lakefront. It is nice to preserve existing genuine parkland (as opposed to areas which just have nothing built on them), as well as some of the more remote areas of the lake like the bit near the Dam.

This area is perfect. If you build mixed development including residential and commercial more people will be there. Things such as the aquatic centre also bring more diverse age groups, not just hipsters like the waterfront in Kingston.

Need to consider parking for major events including floriade. Otherwise Canberrans will just park wherever they feel like (Where were the parking inspectors at Skyfire?)

gooterz said :


Now you really have thrown a spanner in the works!

Its nice they’re planning but what do they hope to achieve? Planning for the future, where are all these jobs coming from? What is so good about being close to Queanbeyan’s main sewerage pond?

Why isn’t capitol metro(sexual) on the plans? Wasn’t in the griffin plan?

Seems more and more like the griffin plan is an excuse to go against what people actually want. Canberra isn’t Sydney if we wanted Sydney we’d move there.

Holden Caulfield10:13 am 26 Mar 13

Surely the Canberra community will join together in a widespread and united protest to save its beloved futsal courts!

Looks fantastic. If it ever gets built I’ll be very impressed.

Oh my giddy aunt.

What are they on and where can I get some?

When Canberra’s roadworks are complete..you have my permission to die!

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