I read in earlier posts of the activities of the South Side or Narrabundah Tyre Slasher. Well he/she or it has struck 4 times in the last two weeks. First two tyres in MacKinlay St, two tyres opposite that house next week, then another two last Saturday 13 March next door to the first house and another two tyres on the last car the very next night.
These cars were parked either on the drive strip between road and footpath or the third car on the nature strip. From reading the history in earlier posts it would seem that this misguided avenger has a thing about cars on nature strips or not properly parked inside property lines.Cars parked in adjoining houses but inside property lines were not touched.
The replacement cost of these 8 tyres was about $1000, a big cost for two pensioners and a student. I can appreciate that it would be almost impossible for police to catch the offender due to the time of night and the intermittent nature of the crimes.
Apparently flats in McMillan Cr near Canberra Ave have been targetted frequently due to the “overflow” parking there.
Any ideas on apprehending this nasty offender?