Ginninderra Falls are in danger!
Years ago I spent time at a beautiful swimming spot at Ginninderra Falls – the bigger of only two decent waterfalls near Canberra (the other being Gibraltar falls). It was also a great spot for rock climbing, abseiling, canoing, etc.
I was aware that the private land owner (Mr John Hyles) had sclosed Ginninderra Falls to public access several years ago due to a number of reasons (see previous RiotAct posts). The passing of Mr Hyles’ father, the disrespectful littering of the property by some visitors, and public liability insurance costs seem to be the three main reasons, and fair enough.
I am however, dismayed to have discovered today that Mr John Hyles is seeking to expand a quarry operation on the property that may endanger the falls being opened for public benefit ever again (see the Stateline story).
Apparently there is a development proposal before the Yass Shire Council at this very moment that may make that very call in/about January 2011.
Despite being closed at the moment, the falls could readily be made accessible to the public at a future point if the land remained in its current form. The proposed changes pose a real risk to Canberrans and other nearby residents ever seeing them again!
Having been to the falls after rain in past years, I know how beautiful the site is when the falls are in full force. With all the rain we have had lately I’m sure it is spectacular right now, and I think it is a travesty that the fact it is on private NSW land means that nearby citizens can’t access this wonderful site, and that it is in danger.
I will be contacting Yass Shire Council to voice my concerns ( and I urge as many people as possible to do the same.
I also think the ACT Government should do more to ensure that Canberrans are able to access the site and its wonderful offerings!