30 March 2011

28 Sydney Avenue goes under the hammer

| johnboy
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28 Sydney Avenue

Chief Minister Stanhope has proudly announced the sale of a car park on 28 Sydney Avenue, within a stone’s throw of Parliament House, for $6.8 million.

Local developer BDC (ACT) Pty Ltd bought the 4,498sqm site today, which is located less than 500 metres from Parliament House and fronts onto Sydney Avenue.

The site has a maximum gross floor area of 21,000sqm and is zoned for commercial offices, a child care centre and restaurant.

Apparently the price vindicates the economy of the ACT.

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creative_canberran5:58 pm 30 Mar 11

Release makes no mention of any conditions regarding minimum car spaces to be built. Wonder if there is such a requirement built into the development application.
And it better not be some mickey mouse requirement either. The new building on Childers Street technically replaced the parking lost with a “Secure” underground station, which is so tiny and poorly designed people frequently have close calls with oncoming traffic on blind corners and scrape walls.

johnboy said :

Oh I dunno, the corner of Kings Ave and National Circuit is pretty much a bus interchange these days.

Roger that. I see plenty of buses in Barton. Bikes too.

Nice to see Pottsy keeping busy though.

Oh I dunno, the corner of Kings Ave and National Circuit is pretty much a bus interchange these days.

I’ve got no problem with paid parking in this area.

It’s pretty poor planning to have all these massive buildings and nowhere for the workers who inhabit them to park in.

And no adequate public transport to shuttle people to them.

Stupid government, stupid NCA, stupid Canberra!!!

Nice big potential car park just across the road

York Parking Lot


I used to work in DFAT and the parking was horrendous 7 years ago. This is going to make it much much worse. No amount of paid parking is going to help. I think people now are walking from the other side of Telopea Park to work in these buildings.

AngryHenry said :

Car parking around there is gonna suck when construction begins.

Which is saying something, considering how badly it sucks already.

Car parking around there is gonna suck when construction begins.

Wow – what a bargain so near the Nations heartbeat – compared to the$3.8mill JS told us was the cost of the rather smaller Gungahlin Town Square.

And where will the car refugees go now? Perhaps i should join the church there…there looks like some sweet parks there.

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