Good news greeted me this morning in my email box, as I receieved a delightful emailing stating that Canberra have today confirmed the dates for their meetings on the new Monday night circuit, the first of which will be held on September 25.
Other meetings to be held in 2006-07 are on October 16 and 30; November 20; December 4 and 11; January 15, 22 and 29; February 5; April 16, 23 and 30; and May 7.
The best news out of all of this is that SKY Racing will be coveringa majority of these in their Monday evenings schedule, which will provide a significant profile for the trots in the ACT region. Check out the article here.
After stories of drug taking, and our glorious leader polluting our nations capital agenda with complete rubbish, it is nice to see that the little people finally have something worth while to shout from the rooftops.
Now all we need is to set up a greyhound racing circuit with monkies carrying weapons on top of the dogs and everyone will be flocking to the Racecourse and Narrabundah to participate in a great Australian pastimine, betting.