In the spirit of town planning gone haywire WTF is up with Belconnen Way in the morning? A seemingly basic trip from Holt to Civic see’s me leaving work almost an hour early because of the super intersection courtesy of the new GDE (Which reminds me, are the governmen gonna release some sort of user guide for that monstrosity?).
2 Lanes go into 3 plus a turning lane, those 3 form into 2, which turns into 3 again then back down to 2 all within about 1km. Traffic gets backed up from the super intersection to Canberra High, then thins out once you get through it, only for it to back up from the University turn off.
I’ve lived in bigger cities with better traffic flow, surely Mr. Stanhope can configure it so I can get to bloody work on time one day this week!
(And if anyone tells me to ride a bike, I’m 105kgs, I feel guilty enough eating KFC and watching the other fatties on the Biggest Loser every night.)