In a media statement released by Katy Gallagher today, she said that by 30 June of this year, 80% of ACTION buses will have bike racks.
“The ACT Government is committed to providing bike and ride options for Canberrans as an easy, environmentally friendly and healthy means for people to use their bike to access public transport,” the Chief Minister said. “The ACT continues to have the highest level of bike racks on buses in Australia. Currently, 73% of the bus fleet is fitted with bike racks and the Government is on track to achieve its goal of 80% (or 342 buses) by the end of the financial year. A total of $336,000 will have been spent on the initiative.”
This decision comes as part of the Transport for Canberra policy which was recently launched.
Katy goes on to explain the 80% figure.
“it is not possible to fit bike racks on every bus, particularly the large capacity buses, due to turning circle restrictions which would require modification to intersections and roundabouts for the buses to safely use them. While all new buses on order will be built so they are capable of being fitted with bike racks, the larger capacity buses will not be fitted”
It has to be noted that when I went out looking for a photo of someone using the bus bike racks, all of the bike racks were sadly empty. Let’s hope that the rainy day is to blame and that the $336,000 has been spent wisely.