![CRIME EVERYWHERE!](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-6NQfcFZs1QE/UdtKtpq7_SI/AAAAAAAAGBk/yLjCo1Aud-M/s600/Crime%2520statistics%2520-%2520ACT%2520Policing%2520-%2520Google%2520Chrome%25209072013%252092618%2520AM.jpg)
The latest quarterly crime statistics for the ACT have been released and they’re presented on a rather nice interactive map that allows us to examine what has been reported and where.
Jumping backwards in time the numbers get larger which certainly is a good sign, still the current numbers are a little concerning when viewed alone.
The Inner North has by far the largest number of crimes, although that is mostly attributable to Civic and New Acton. Cut those numbers out od the equation and the Inner North drops down below Belconnen area, although Braddon and Dickson still have their fair share of crime.
The numbers for Woden and Tuggeranong are dropping significantly from previous years, and both now appear to be much safer places to be than Belconnen or the Inner North.
Possibly the most alarming trend is the number of sexual assaults committed in the suburb of Belconnen this year.
55 sexual assaults have been committed in the Belconnen suburb this year, a shocking number on it’s own. Fortunately the rest of Canberra falls well below that figure. The next highest number is in Civic where 10 have occurred, then Kambah where 9 have taken place.
Obviously any number of sexual assaults occurring anywhere is concerning, but the fact one suburb is responsible for just shy of a third of all sexual assaults reported in Canberra boggles the mind.
It is also worth remembering that this obviously only lists reported crimes, and thus should not be taken as a perfect representation of crime numbers in Canberra.