![critical mass](http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-DAwXqXyfJ_E/UkNu_1_waTI/AAAAAAABLD8/oIQnkE9489Y/s600/houstonddhgh.jpg)
The Critical Mass movement is a great bit of fun if you like cycling.
Even better is that it’s come to Canberra starting this Friday:
Gathering 5:45pm, Launching 6pm, Garema Place, ending at The Civic Pub in Braddon.
Last Friday of every monthTo bring: a self-powered vehicle with wheels, as many lights/bike-accesories as you can muster, a love of bikes.
Being Canberra, we think a Critical Courteous Mass is the way to go, but it’s a leaderless ride – where we take it is up to us.