The Duplicate the Barton Highway Community Action Group has been in touch to let us know their website is now up and running.
The need to duplicate the Barton Highway is something the community understands well. Unfortunately it is an infrastructure project that neither the State or Federal Governments find compelling. The number of fatalities and accidents on this Highway is frightening. The Highway continues to get busier every year.
This website is set up as a repository of information to keep the community informed. It is supported by a Duplicate the Barton Highway Facebook Group where the community can share information and collectively express our concern to decision makers. It is important that we grow the community to ensure our voice is strong. Please share this group with your friends and family who travel this busy highway. As single commuters we have no voice, but as a group we just might get heard.While our preference is for the community to join the Facebook Group, if you do not wish to participate in Facebook but would like to stay informed, please join our email list (to be launched on Murrumbateman Field Days). This list will not be spammed – we will only share relevant information.
So now you know.