Something I’ve always attributed to a good lifestyle is being able to go for a walk at night and feel safe to do so. There’s nothing better sometimes than being able have dinner first and head out afterwards avoiding the heat of the day particularly in summer.
But recently talking about it with some friends, it was pretty clear that all had varying opinions about being able to do their exercise at night. Some absolutely will not venture out when it’s dark in fear of being a victim of an attack or something violent.
Now, I live in Braddon and I’m more than happy to go for my nightly walk just before nightfall if I’m walking up towards Dickson through the suburbs. After that I do feel a little hesitant to head off, however I will quite happily walk to Londsdale street or through to Civic cutting through Haig park. I would say I walk pretty briskly though! Obviously through built up areas I feel a lot safer.
Is it dependant on where you live? When I was in WA I lived in a suburb that I wouldn’t be going down certain streets even during the day let alone night time. But somehow in Canberra I perhaps have a false sense of security and don’t feel like I hear about any attacks or I honestly don’t feel threatened here.
This got me thinking, so I did some research and found out that Canberra is actually one of the safest cities in the world being below the national average for violent crime. The ACT has an interactive map on their website which tells you exactly how many crimes have been committed for each quarter. Not updated for last quarter but for the April- June period I filtered the results to include sexual assault, theft, robbery and assault and there was a total of 2715. Divide that by our population and that’s a .75% chance of being attacked or 1 in 10,000 and not necessarily at night.
However the ABS website does state that in 2013 sexual assaults rose by 4.4% to 212, but robberies decreased by 32% to just 147 victims in 2012. Of those robberies Half of all robberies (51% or 74 victims) occurred on the street or footpath. Not overly alarming statitics, but still something to be mindful of.
Given those statistics would this change your mind to pop on the runners and head off for a stroll or would you still second guess it?