I made a quick to Tinys’ Green Shed (the Tip Face Salvage operator at the Mugga Way landfill transfer station, AKA the tip) during the week. One thing caught my eye. Stuck on a wall next to the cash register was this sign.
In case you cannot see the text, it says,
Tiny’s Green Shed Ebay policy
As you are aware, some items that we find only have a limited localmarket here in Canberra.
The items chosen for Ebay will stay in the shed for one week, with an estimated price on them. If you would like to purchase the item, you may do so at the estimated price. If you think the Estimated price is too high, then you are most welcome to bid on it on Ebay: Tinysgreenshed.
If you are the successful bidder you may collect the items in person from Tiny’s Green Shed.
So Tiny is open about it. He will be selling the better bits on Ebay, after they have been in the shop for a week. There was always speculation that other Tip Face Salvage operators in Canberra, were selling stuff on Ebay,