I couldn’t believe my ears this morning – on 666, Stanhope – I’ve never heard him so animated! – on the topic of pokies.
He committed to defending the clubs and their pokies to the hilt.
Now, I have an issue with the argument that “community groups and clubs will suffer if we regulate the pokies harder” – when said community groups are dispensed money at the expense of gamblers’ families.
Is there any question that pokie addicts are putting welfare and child support money into the one-armed bandits? I’ll bet that for every dollar dispensed to a sporting club by one of the union clubs, a few dollars cost accrues to the community at large on other fronts.
Stanhope is of course well aware of community concern across Australia on this issue, and strong backing for Xenophon and the independents on this.
So Stanhope – ever keen to put forward the image of a socially responsible kinda guy – is seriously hoist on the petard of the unions.
Is anyone seriously calling him on this? Opposition? Helloooooooo?